Thelpirituall Mans taske. 597 receiued it, fhould beaware oftheir receiuiragit, how can k be made queflion òf? I thinke that l bane alp the Spirit ofGodm. Weemuff notthinke ( think in i Cor.pgra there) to bea word of furmife , as it is fomctimes in Our ordinary (peaking oppofed to certenty of knowledge,as when a man faith , Ithinks it is fo , but I cannot tell : but here, I thinkc, is all one with that Englifhofours, I trow haue,&c.Or,Itakeit,&c. Forhad this beena wordofdoubtfulnefle,how would itbut hauebeen a pre. indict to the Apoftles aduicegiuen rothe Corinthians? They might haue fatd well,When we feehim more foreofhis hailing theSpirit ofGod, then will we makealittlemore account of his counfel.Looke then,Pasfknew:and as it was not appropriatedro Pashto hauethe Spirit (for it is the common promife of all that.are Chrifls a , foneither was it his peculiar , to know fomuch. I (hewed aRóm.t.gé youhow in this pointof hawing the Spirit, and foof (peaking confidentlyteu- chinghauing it,he forts himfelte,with others ofGods faithful] oneso:The truth eaCor.S.r. is, the (pint witmake it (elfto befelt,andperceiued where it is:it hath loch wor- kings withina màn,which cannotbefecreted.Iris aSpirit oflifee,can a man line pRom.Lai andnot know it? Jconfelfe his knowledgeherein, in refpeet ofthe outward working thereo ,maybr fometimes intermitted, as when one is in a found, or a fleep:and fotherearefits and moods,inwhich thisknowledge of thepretence ofGods Spirit,is more obfcure, and lelfe feeling. But inthegenerality, the ha- lting oflife cannot be vnknown to himthat liuestand fovndoubtedly,as bodily life giues euidenceofit felfe,fo dottifpiritnall life alfó. The SpiritofGodwhere itis,comforts,inffrufts,guides,leades, enlightneth, fan4ífieth, isan earneft of afuture inheritance , can therethings be wrought ina mans foule , and he not know it ?- There is as great analteration elleetedin a man after the entrance of the Spirit intohim , as wan in L,marwwhenbee wasraifed to lifeout of the grade: or asin Bart/mew , when his fight was refiored , or as in the Creepléat the Templegate, when his feeteandanklebones receiued fuch flre.ngth that he walked and leaped,andpraifeelGode A man was dead,and the Spirit quick- 1AAsq. Beth him hewas blinde and ignorant,and hiscogitations darkned , the fpirit enlighmethhim, Bee was dosable ro moue a foote in the path of righteouf- neffe, the Spirit makes himnimbleandaftiue to runne the way ofGods cont. Mandements. How canthefe things bevnknowne? I will voluntarily abridgethat plenty, which doth even preffevpon me herein, the cafe is foplaine, that it needs not touchconfirming : Iwillrathethaften to the vfe,whichI hope fomany ofvs as defiretoferse"God,fhallfind; tobe exceeding profitable. It ispofíible for a mantoknowhimfelfe tohaue the fpirit ofGod , and is itThe . not then neceffary forentry man to make enquiry into himfelfe, concerning eh s?If Imay know this,Iwould faineknow whatwarrant I haue,not tofeeke toknow it.Perhaps thou wiltfay,It is no greatmatter, whetherthouhaue the Spirit ofGodor no,and fo itisofno greatbehoofe toefe enquiry. Oh farbe it from thee fotothinke;Harlçewhat is laid r,Ifanynunhattenot thefpiritofChrf,rBum.t ; thefame is not his: therein nopart in Chrift withoutthe fruition of his Spirit. Looke thenhowmuch it (lundi theevpon, tovnderllaad whether orno thou fha]t befaued,fo muchafro it concernes theetoknow whetheror no thouhaue GodsSpirit. Andwho fo feeduhimfelfewithan hope ofbeing faucd, andyet cannot tell whetherhe havereceiued the fpiritof God orno, he feeds himfelfe with the wind,and trufts so"that which(hall deceiue him. Andnow confider here, what lull occafion isgiuen mee,to lift vpmyvoice like a trumpet ,and to cry loudagainflthofe, whoneüer in their Ruesdid Teri- oufl)/ putthisqueftiontotheirownefoulest (Hatte T the (pint ofGod t)! ana afraid therein fcarce one for an hundred , thatis not guilty of this-negleek , would all you that Beareme fay this, thisday, woulddoe as out Sauiouri Difci=