598 The f rrttuall Chant taike. Difciples did when he told them that oneof them fhould betray htm, every tMac:6. sr, onewas afraidofhimfclfe: Is it I, raidone : is it Ilaid another t: So when you hearea general imputation laid vpon the times concerning this,oflooking in. tomens felues,whether theyhaue the Spirit of Godor no;oh, that eueryoneof vs might beiealousof himfelfe, and fay tohis own aheart; What,and am Ione that areremiffe herein ? No doubt, ourhearts would finite vsherein, as Da. t2Sam.24.70 widtdid him s,andhappy lhould fuch ferret fmitings'be; they would be like the Pfal.a41. s.prerioru balms', fuch bloweswould caufethe blewneffe ofthe wound , which eProu.aa. ?o Salomon faith, fettles to purgeout thechill x : fhouldweonce fall to-an carnal communing with ourfelues concerning this;this good I amCureWould follow, thatwe wouldneuer leguepreGag and urging queffion vpon quef}ion,till we . hadgottenCome ulíurancein this matter. Well, my truG isrhrough the mercy ofGod, this which I have raid fha ll not bevtterly invain,but fonte that heave How a man me (hall bemooed to this inquiry ? therefore for the furtherance and helpeof hiCd£e n fuch, I willenlarge this vie; by teachinghow a man may certenly fatitfie hint- auethefpi. felCe in this demand: ff4505 Zibe Spirit ofGador no? I wilinot hereingot beyond ritofGod. the kenning ofmyTexul find a fier here in my Texr,atwhichImayeafily light fucha candle,as (hall abundantly d ire&vs in this fearlt. The tome of quenching here coupledwith thefpirit, is an argument, that theSpirit ofGod is ofa fierynature : Quenching is the peculiar to fier : Now infier we doe allconceiue two things; firll, a light; fecond,abeate, Theft two in thiselement are infeparable s fo that toapply it to our purpafe, briefly (that Imay not aswe fayburnt day. light , by difcourfing further touching fire then is necefrary) ifwe wouldbe allured of our having the SpiritofGod within there is a (pirituall light, anda Cpirituall heart to be inquired for r, the fpirieu.. all light is fpokenof, Epbef. I. IS. viz: it is, when byGods gluing the Spirit of Wifdomeand reuelation, The eyt ofthe vndorflandingare enlgbtned, esrs, )Bphero. Man by nature is mien darkneffe it filter, Averyhaft byhis wane knowledge.; sJer.ro,r4, beperceinetb nse the things of the Sprit of Coda : Now vponhis being endued a s Cor.544. with theSpirit , thatGod , whoat firfk commanded the Light to thineout of darkneffe, ccaufethafriningto breake into hisheart, by fining the light of b t Cor.e.6. knowledge This is that Oyntmentfrom him thanis Hoye. Heerettpon the oz6esS0.regeneratearerai dtobeeLs&btititheLord ,tobetheChildrenoftheLghta, the etThef,f.s, ebddrenofthedg °,. So then to thistiril iffue, weare now come.My demand tomy fouleis, haue I the Spirit ofGod ? I am taught here to fay, Sureif Ihaue, I am induedwith fpirituall light, whereis then my knowledge in the ttsings of God? where is my vuderlianding in the thingsofChrifk? Am Ífen fableof the falling awayof the fcalesofignorancefrom the eyesofmy minde, feele Ihowthe myIl ofmy natural!darknep'e is difperfedanddifpelled , andliow Iam calledveto amar_ f t Peris, teellowt light "f Are not now the ferretsofReligion, fach riddlesand fuch vnfa_ uory obfcuritiestome , as they have been in timespall ? Cannot my confci. once witnetrewith mein there things? Surely the Spirit ofChrifl lefus is not in me, l amyet noneofhis,Iamyet a limme ofthe kingdome ofdarknes, a fer_ uiter ofthe princeofdarknelfe,and if I continuefo,vtter darkneffe muff needs be my portion,and Icannot efcapeit. Whata matter ofterrour is this, for all fuchas hate knowledge,as pleafe co nouzle rhemfelues in ignorance, which truck to itasto thefafeft courfe, as if theyhad Come fpeciallgift ofknelling out the wayto heauen in thedark: fuch defpife the key ofknowledg,& thoughthey beneuerfo oftenand fovehement- ly called vpon with thewords ofDavid, Ynderfiandyyeevnwife among the people; Plhl.94 t. ;tee yeeFeeley , whenwillyeshe 'mpg ? See how ready the Lord istopears mahis Psowr.s;. tit¡ndevntoyore and tomakeyewvnderfand hie words h; Why will youbedellroyed. for lack ofknowledge? yet they thew ihemfelues likeSalomowsfoole,wbofefoe- ... ljbneff