The f iritùall Mans 199 lnetrvi!Jaat departfromhim,nothoughhebebraiedwithapaaellámoagtvbest: They will not know i : yea, they Cet dowse a lawoucr and about all that e- uer God niaele,thattheiíignorance , yca, though it be 'miler to much affcßcd, :loner föwilfhl,yetitihallclank' 'them,,ne, theirgood meaning ibal lìringthem as Toone tohcauen, as all the knowledge in the world .SFatherforgiim them, for theyknw not what theydo.) Whatheart that hashgrace may not melt within him, to fee that men will needs,perifh,and are fodefperarely bent to a,dçicotitre their foules vpoir meere vnsortainties ? Remember I pray you, no ilk; ruination, no pretenceofGods Spiríp be that is not acquaintedwith, this fpirituaillight,nc- uct(hall he fee the light eltheLord,ia sheLand of the using. Oh, that layingoft he Apofiles ; enough to make ourbelly totremble , to confider it : Ifnor q rfpe11 be hid, it re bidto. themthat are loft k : Ifthere bee any k a Cor. qi that are ion anoyneed with eye-fake, tö fee that which is called the ficret of theGofpell, and tovnderfland that greatmyllery ofgodlinei'e,' Which God bath revealedin hisword, they havevpon them the very markeof loft-ones : Aterrible verdis, Imight feemetohaue done with Thiseuidénce of thefpirits pretence:but as I was about toglue itouer,itcame tomy mind,that though I had laid the truth, yet fi rit tite stutter lo rawly, f night foil at vaawares into two extremities: a. of difcouraging fame, who Isaac need rather of refrelling ; a. ofputtinó heart into otherfome,who detente rather tobe taken dowse. I,cnnfidered the inconveniences of both : remembring how dangerous iris , either tomake the beans ofthe rigbteoaefad,whom the Lard bath not madefäd,or roffreegthea the bando oftheroicked, thatbe/hosldnetrewirefroarhi wicked way t'. Hereupon l laboured lEzea;.aa. toadde to that which l haue laida littlemore : I, They which maybe difheart- aedhereby, areinch, as are weake in knowledge, dull inapprehenlion, hard of conceiving; wlto(ìtmay be) read andheart muchattdofcen, yet profitlittle; they fceme to themfelnes, to fee nothing as yet to any greatpurpofe : totell themthen that iftheyhaue not thegiftof ilinmination,they hauenot theSpirit ofGod,you amaze themquite,and that littlehope whichthey fometimes had, is by this meanervtterly ouerthrowne. Toreleeucfach therefore , this isto beknown, that this light wee fpeake of, is not at the brighten and cleereft at the firs, nay, ref-peflinely to that whichThal l be,when it is at thehigheR in this World,it isbat inpart o: Whena r Cons;.' man is vpon the pointof entrance into the Rate ofgrace, thereisa light ap peoren s but petit is butas the light in the bnl dawttiugoftireday, acertenaPïai.rt9. Rep from darkvefle, and adegree abone it, but yet fo tempered and inter_ r;o, mixed with darkneffe;thatasthePort faith, tbee c40callit motherdarknefe, aai- therltght. It is a certain° compofitionofboth, nayat thehrsappearing thereofdark neffe is thepredominant. The blind man whom our Sauiour cured in the Gol fpei, after the firf touch he wasasked , ifhe lawought: 1fee Men, faishhe,for Ifee themwalkelike Trees a, His ;Igoeat the firRwasconfufed and vncertaine,,?,/,8, ::d,y hedid nót fee diflinetly; Tints it is in the inward man, the enlightning many times is but weake and duskifh, yea, and that in menofplace, ordainedto gist fpirituall light to o- thers : as that famous Apollo:Rood in need to base thewar ofbad expoandedvato him mareporfeiilye. How weretheDifciples of ourSaviour,liuingvndcrfoex- cellent a Teacher? Areyceyetwithout vederflandiag? `Perceiatyeenótyet, dec9...Ip Afta [ß.aó, hauebees fa long time with yaa,and heft thounotknownemee, ein,'? So that the gMae,tf.r6. littleneffeand dimneffe ofthe Light receiuedman notdifcourage : ifthere be r oohs t a.9s any, it mof bee reioyced in : and that there is Come in, thole which corm- plaint (as Ibane laid)ir is manifef by their complaint. They complaise of derknefle : therefore they fee how it is with them: theRare oftheir foule is dif. cetned