doo The %perituall Mans talke. fEphef ç.r3. cornedby them, and what is it but light that makeththefe things manifefl r.lf thouart come as yetno furtherthen to that which is called, A mindto lexcm him e r tohn f,ao. which ie trem%fo that thou art wearyof thy naturalibiindnelfe , and if thou a Mar. so. çs. wert put to thychoice, like the blindman in the ftoty .,and the Lord lhould fay to thee,as to him;what wilt thou that I doevntothee, thy anfwere would bee (with reference unto thy fpirituall hlindnes) like his: Lordthat I may remises fight. Ifthe finall portionwhich thouhaft , beeprecious to thee, like a little glimmering toa blindman,when he is inthe wayofturning , and thou be dili- gent withconfcienceand with conftancy, tovfe all good meanes for increa- 6ng-ofit, thou haft no caufeof difcouragement; this little oyle in thy cruze, (hall feedthy foule, this fmall light (hall guide thy feet into the way ofpeace. This for the fidf fort,that mightbe grieved with thispoint. There are another fort may prefume too farre vpon that whichbath been faid,and theymullneceffarily be reduced to termes ; Illumination andknow- ledge inReligion is a pledgeofthe pretenceofGods fpirit ; may not then eue- ry onethat is enlightned and furnifhed withknowledge, affure himfelfe that he is Chrilis?I fayno. Though euery onethat bath recelued the fpirit ofGod is enlightned,yet notcatty one that is enlightned hath receiuedthe fpirit of God in the fettlewe now fpeakeof I know there is a working ofthe fpirit ofGod in all thatare enlightned with any truth of knowledge in religion, for noman x r Cor.ta.3, can fay, that Iefx: re the Lord, bra by theholy GhoJl a ; but yet theremay bee an enlightningwithknowledge, which is not accompanied with that pretenceof Gods Spirit whichbringsfa 'nation :what fay wee rothofe, which (hallfaito yMat,, Chrift in that day, Lord, Lord, haaewenotpropbeciedin thyname Y? Such had en- lightning: what (hall wefay to thrift that ftnne again fl the holy Gholl, haue not they alto been enlightned? Joeh not Patel fpeakeofa polfibility , to knew s;r Car 43.x. allferrets, andall knowledge. andyet tobe nothing =? Idoubt not but thereare many exquiGtely andexadtly fern in the generali doEtrineofdìuinity,able to teach ie for thegoodofothers, able towrite andpreach for the conuincing of gaine- faiers,which yet (hall bane no inheritance among the Saints in light. There bewhogiue(rnaitefiimotsy ofany trothof (auinggrace to besntiaem, who yetcan difcourleat large,eloqueutly and iudiciouflytouching matters of Religion; Icoufefte here is anenlightning,but not fuch as is a pledge ofregene- - ration. It Ispolfible for a Comet to haue a more blazinglight then oneofthe fixed ftars;which yetvaniflteth atlall,andcommeth tonothing:and fo itmaybe that Tomeone,who is a mtere hypocrite, and butas it were the (heath and fha- dowofaChriflian, may in Tome particularities of knowledgegoebeyounda trueNathaxael,and put himdown quite,fo that he Thalbe as nobody in reCpe& ofhim:wherefore the kind ofthat knowledge mull be confsderedof, theen- lightningwherewithmay be a comfort indeed : Now that knowledge, bath thefe two fpeciall properties; r,?t is an experimental knowledge;fuch aknow_ ledge inReligion, asa man isable to makegood not oneiy by proofe ofScrip- ture(though that be necelîary) but byhis own particularand perfonall feeling: I will (hewan exampleor twohereof. Firfl,Pfal.t 16.6.The Lordpreferuetbthe franple,faithDainid : there isa pofition in-diuinityInch anone as nodoubt in the general( truth thereofmanyan vnregenerate man is able by proofes and telli- monies ofScriptures to confirme. But fee now themaineproofe; Imeane in refpe& ofa mansown fatisfying : Itrae inmifery, faith he, andhefauedme :This 4o1,3,33, is that whichChrifcalleth the fettingtoones fraie that God so true': Amara canbeare witnes to the truth of Godout ofhisown feeling.A fecondexample is,Ram.8.1. z .There se nocondemnation:a than that are in Cbrifl Perm :Beholda no- tablepoint ofReligion; A man may conceiuethe meaningof thisfully, and prooueit out ofGods wordplentifully,for the good ofmany others , and yet himfelfe come (bort : Note therefore what proofe Pax/ brings in, Far the