Hieron - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.H54 S4 1624

ThefpiritÑall Mans taire. 6oi LawoftheSpiritofI Wei winch is in are reties, bath friedMe(rein the Up offtitne and o fdeath : I amwellable to fay this is fòindeed : for (bleffedbee God)I my felte haue felt it. It is knowne tomany that the Word ofGod is Tweet, com- fortable, quicknuig: theyknow fomach i ratified thereof, and inakinde ofgenerallfaith theydo beleeue it a but this is nothing,vnlelfe aman haue felt it fo in his owne particular.Thegenerals point òfthe corruption ofmans nature by 4-dam: fali,isappreheiíded andconcciuedby many; but whois theoran that isready toRep in, outòfhis own experience touchinghimfelf, andto faywith Paulb,Iknow thatín nie,tkat it,inmyflefb,dmelletbnogeedthing: and thereforewen L Rom..ta: might Mufti fay , Tbe.iuiagsnations of mans thoughts are end) euillcoatinaallly. I could thus inlargethis point ; but it (hall fuffice to canmake yousinderfiand my meaning, as I hopeyou doe,by that whichI haue faid : yet to addea little more light toit, I will commend to your obferuationone placeofPaul; Ephi t. a8,í9. where fpeakingofthat knowledgewhich proCeedsfrom fpirituall eti- lightning,and (hewing the matterof it : (thehope where toGod cádetb by theprei- ekingofthe Go f ell, dadthe richesefháeglertoue inheritance in theSaints ;Excellent things IconIche,but yet fuchas they who are not intereffed in them maycon- ceiue)headsouer and abouc,thisfpecialryof experimental! knowledge, And inhatit theexceedinggreenedeofhispower towardoiswhich So thatheere is the life ofall, when a man batha feeling and feule in hiinfelfe,ofthe workeof God, andofthat powerin renewing ofhisdeadfoule, which hemanifehled iii the raifiugvpofCirri! lefus. This then is theMA propertyoffadingknowledge , it is e,perimeutall : as whena mancan fay , Iknow God is reconciled tofinners, in theblood of his Son: for behold lam a linnet, and withme in Chrilt heis atpeace, and there be theeuidences hereof: I am fire God heareth Prayers: for thusand thus haue i tried him by petition, and thus andthus Ihaue been comforted; and fo in the refl. The Second property óf fining knowledge , it is a knowledge tending to pendiife: it is filth a light,as is Madevfe o ; forfpirituall'gúidance. A4àny+haue a knowledge, butit is onely aknowing toknow; they be like Come humerons fchollers,which will haue euerybogke of note that is publithed, moreto bea- ble to fay they haueir, then thatthey may vfe it: the knowledge whichaccrual.; panieth faluation,hath afurther aime ; Teachme tbymay O Lerd,and lwill wake la ihytra;b `, Giuemevnderßßandiug,and Iwill keepethylaw d; Come letvsgee?Ito the o Pfal:St.rtì' iniotostinne ofthe Lorddte.He Willteach vshn rOdiltIONdWOWill*dikl inhsápaths `. dKai. at;j¡ Here is praftifeand obediencemade to bethe purpofe óf knowledge : I re- a Eiey u.;. memberwhat Paid laid,whenhewas ílrucketo the earth, Lord what wilt thou Skit l doe t ? Hédefired to know, that is knowing mightappeare in doing : fof !Via 9.6. that now there canbee no tuft matterof prefumption gatheredby thispoint; that illumination is a teltimonyofthe prefence ofGods Spirit , fo, as in chore that (hallbe fatted: forwhat ifthou canti talkemuch, anddifcourfemuch , and reafon wittily, anddifputeplaufibly, and relateprocsfeu of Scripturereadily, yet ifthisfwimOnly inthy braise,& be onlyafpeculatiue knowledge,nofuch as thou feetet} the truth and (weerof in thy own fault,no fuck asthou make(i yfe offorthe guiding and orderingof thy felfe inan holy life, in thatparticu- lar (landingwherein God bathCetthee;l willbring thee one who forprofound knowledge andgifts Cifvtteraneeand thelike, may cometo fchooleko thee; whoyet becaufe ofbis experience inthe truthof that little whichhe knowes; and hisconlcionableobediencethtrunto,fhaltfir at cablewith Abrdsanr,Ifaae, and facob,whenthou thaitbe called the leali in the kingdomeofGod: And thus (arre ofthefirR eu denceof theprefenceof Gods Spirit ; fp'irituall tight. I perceiue mymatterto (well furtherthen I thought ; lam nowfenhble ofthe truth ofthatwi)kh S'. lame:faith, Beheldhowgreataviatora littlefierbut I;i leab: