Hieron - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.H54 S4 1624

`.rutbs Pùrchaf. .,beeches ofmansWifedome,then to fpeáketo the confcienceoftbeirhearers;fbdint in this refpeft,we had neede tobe wife todame, left our faith Mould bee in:ha n Cor.n, S> wifedomeofman ratherthen inthe power ofGodx. Againe,£or the matterofprea- ching,itis nowalmofl in religion and divinity, as in the matter ofapparell ; tee - ryycate bringeth anew fafhion,and then (becaufe ofthe lonewhich menhace to nouelty(thatis thought to bethe moll handfome, mo[} thriftie, and moll profi- tablefafhion, onely indeede becaufe it is thenewt(} : and fo euery yeereale oft, we beamof tome new opinion orother,rakedout ofthe dunghillofPopery, and a new glofi'e let vpon it, and by and by it is entertained ; men that haue itching y a Tim.4:1. BaresY areready tohflen to it, andare (Donewrought to embrace it. This is the great policieofthediuell, neither is there any thing , by which he Both more harme,by which hekill more foules then by thismeans. When the Lord was purpofed to bringa plagueuponAhab , the Scripturedefcribeth him as it were fittingin counlell, what might be thenext way toouerthrow him. At left, when onehad Paid on this manner, andanother on that, therecame foorth.aSpirit and floodbefore theLord,andfáidl willentice him ; and theLordfaidvotehim: Where. wish? And hefaid,I }b.llgee out andbeafal fefiritin themouthofaithisTrophets: z r King, zs, Then hefaid;Those!halt enticehim,end thenfhale preuaile =,, Thus itappeareth,that nu. the moll fpeedy way which Satau,being put to hischoice, hath,to doe inifchiefe, is tofend fpiritsoferrour, priuily to bring in damnableand dangerous opinions. Andfurely it is lute withGod, to givevs oiler tobe (educed, becaufe webane not azThewz,io receiuedthe loneofhis moth, that we mightbe famed.. So then, thatneither infi- nuating Iefuitesmay deceive vs, nordangerous bookesempoyfon vs, nor fanta- Ilicall teachers beguile vs, norcorrupt Da&ors carryvsawaywith euery'lbinde of bnpb,4.14. do£trine°,itftandeth va upon tolabsur to abound with fpirituall wifedome and enderflanding, that we may difcernebetweene light and darkeneffe, truth and falihood, le!}, leaning tofollowChrif}, as a Iherpheard tothe fold,we gotafter Antichrifl, as abutcher tothe fhambles. They(. The efeoftlrispointis,toreproone two faults efpecially. Firfl,thewilfulneffe of fame. Secondly,thevnskilfulneffeof other-tome. FortheSri}, many there are in thisnaughty & crooked generation, whebecauleofthe corruptionwhich is in theteachingofCome, (Which implietlrapolsibilitietobe deceiued) andbe- caufeofthe ¡heuzofdiderence.in form things, whichfeemeth to beamongother- fome ; I fay in thefe refpeâs,Come there are who aregrowne to that peeuiffinesi that they refoluewith themfelues, that it is the beftcourbetoheart none. We cannot tellsfay they, whom tobeleene, they areat variance among themfelues; and therefore rillthey doebetteraccord, it will be the fafefl,and waft way , ei. ther not to heare,or not tocrediteany. This is the wayward humour of many in this age. Their folly (as tomee feemeth) maywellbe manifeffed, by urging theprefent fimilitudeofBuying. If a manwanting mare, drinke,and raiment, andother neccffaries,and beingperfwaded tofupply himfelfeoutof the market, from thofe which fell, Ghould makethis anfwer : The World efofallofdeceit,tbat amanknowetb not Whom toera(: theywhichfell,manyofthem willbeguile their sanee fathers,if theycould chaffer with them; andthe Cricket anddulcet which tradefmni haue,arefu many, that it is mottle to one buta man fhált be confined , Ihad rather thereforegeenavethewinde, andwant neceffarieprouifion, thenputit to thehazardof. buying, 1fI fay, amanamongf}vs thould pleade thus, ethar would we thinke of hunt, but that either he were very foolifh, or very froward? And Co wee well might; becaufe we know the fraud ofothers mutt bepreuented, rather by care and circumfpe&ion , andnotvied asan occafionfor aman toabridge himfelfe ofhis neceffaries. Isnot he thenas mucha bole,who wanting thefauing know- ledgeofthe Truth, andbeing called vpon torepaire to thehoule ofGod, where themeans is offered freely vetohim , fhall pleadelirait thedeceiueableeelfe of falfedoârine thecorruption of many teachers,theMew andappearance of con- trarietie ,