Hieron - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.H54 S4 1624

6oz The-fpirituall Mans task. lob S; That little fparke which fprang out of onewordporch, hash increafed to a greater flame then I was aware of. I moil needs proceedon a tittle fur. ther,andfor theperfeì jag ofthis point,fayfomwhatofthatheat alfo,by which the beingofthe Spirit ofGodinamans heart isvndertiood. There are two eff titersof the fpirituall beate ofthis holy fier : t.Itconfumes. 2. It inflames. Fier burner vp, andwafts that which it meets with ifit becombu(lible, and fuch as isdeuourable by it:and fodoth this fattedcoale.There =naturally intheheart h t Pat n.v. ofmanmany grolfe corruptions,fuch as the Scripture callethffefhlylufish,and the iRom.e,u befit ofAgne : with theft the inwardman is ouer-run ;the fieldofS iomont flag. gard isnot fo over-grown withMonies and nettles, as is the fouleofman with thefe.I mightname particulars,but all maybereducedtotheft two heads: x.A reprobateawknes toall good ; a.A ready and inclinable pronenes , evenwith dareand greedinelfe,to anymanner ofvngodlineffe. Now when theSpiritof Godpreuailes , thole corruptionsare confirmed: though not at once;to that their being is inflantly and vtterlyabolif lied;yet fo, thattheir height and flrength, andextremity is abated; andthey hauenot that raigne,power,anddominion overa mau,which they fometimes had. Hereup. on it isfaid,thattbeywhich ere Chrst, (andnone ate Chelfis,but they inwhòm kGald,aq, theSpiritis) hasteeraeifiedtbef lelh,wirh theefeéIioraend theW k. Theircorrup- tions in themhaue receiued their deathswound, fo that albeit they flriueand ftruggle andhindera Chriflianfrom doing thegoodwhich he would,yet they ate pall recovery :thoughthey benotquiteburnt vp and broughttonothing, but perhaps likefmoky andfappy wood, are fometimes readytoput out, and to fmother that fierintowhich theyare thrown, yet theyconfume daily , and canneuer comeagaineto their ancient floutilbing. I befeech you,let vsaffoord the confiderationofour Celuesaboutthis :let vs fee how the fierof Gods Spirit hash feized uponour corruptions,how ithash in anymeafurewalled them, fo that we are norfo enthralled tothem, andatthe commandand feruiceofthem, as in timespaf. This willdeclaremanytobte vtterlyvoid of GodsSpirit;when there are fnchpalpable corruptions,to bebe. held in their linesandcourfes,ofpride,oppreffion,worldlines,malice,vnmerci. fulnes,riotiexceffe,louingofpleafure,fwearing by Gods glorious andfeareful Name, negle&ofGodsworlbip, fcorningof his word, profaningofhis Sab- bath.Shallit bethought that the kingdom of corruptionis fubduedin them by hCor.;.ty. thepower of GodsSpirit? wherethe Spirit ofthe Lord i., therek liberty there is freedomefrom the feruiceofthelnragingfinnes.Ifonce the ArkeofGod tome into Therm temple,letthe Idollbe neuerfo fallfeated inhis (brine, yet downe art Sam. f he faller and breakeshis necke,u : So let Godsholy Spirit once fee foote ina mansSoule,though finne be there,as in its properplace, andas I may fay in the head City ofits Kingdome, yetimmediatly it begins tolofe its wontedhold, There is afirongerthen le come, which will takeaway the armour ofit, and triumph in the fpoyles thereof: Co that they whicharethe Lords, (hall bee able with ioy ofheart tomake their boat?, though without boalling : Ourfouleis efcaped a Birdeout ofthe fante of thefowler, Thankes be toGod we were the Cementsoffinne, but nowwe arethe feruants of righteoufaelfe, and the Lords free-men. The iliacthen is Nowafting ofcorruption,no powerfullworkingofGods Spirit. Doch it not appeare by the confcionable reformation of thy wayes, that the native ruft ofthyinward man is fretted out? Ifhould finneagainfl thy foule, and againflmine owne too , ifIfhould putthee in anylittle hope that thou art Chrills. Igoon:This holyheat,asitconfiimes,foitinflames ,itinkindlethacertaine fier in the bofomofa Chriflian., producing that,which we termby the nameof Zea/e;an intentionofferuency,diffided through the wholefoule,begetting ear- neflneffé