Hieron - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.H54 S4 1624

The f irituall Ml/fans take. 603 ne(Ineffe inall good feruices for Godsgtory,and depthofdeteflation towhat. foeuer is prejudicial' thereunto.This is that PanItellifiedofthe twclueTribes, itAßssóq. That theyjeered the Lordnight anddal in/Fantly : that is, with a kindofexten(- LN,6.< . on orvehemency. So Apollo isfaid to hauebeen o hot inSpirit. Iris the improue- eAEts,s. ment,or higheft pitchofones affeetion: it is,as it were,the mettalland vigor of yñ° the Conic; it makesa mas LO doe the workeofthe Lord (in whatkind(better it armamn. be)with a kindofcourage. pChap4.6. I remember what Nehemiah faid concerning his proceeding inthereedifying ofthe Citty andTempleof Ieraf:tetnafter the captivity :albeit there werema- nydifcouragements, yet thebattles went on, forp The heart efthe peepleweetogRom.rz.rr. make, they werefet vpon it, andthey would not be put dowse: much water was not ableto quench this fiere. This caufetha man,ifhe be a Magiftrate not tobe tither in bafinef/e a, bat withDaniel, tobeAt it betimesr, with led, toféekeone q Rom a. o r. exiles diligently r , neuer pretending that excufewhichSalomon forbidsto vie, r Pfal.ta.a. Beholdme know not ofits;Such a man euero with his eye , (ball chafdawaymill°. IChap.ss,16 Thisagaine, makesa man ifhebe a Minifter, to haue fucha fierwithinhim as d l'rpuars n Prot. so,8. bratty had , when bee wasWear efforbearing, andcouldnet¡lay = as was in oChap, so. . ?aalat Athens , when hisSpiritwaffirred inhim tofee their fuperftition r:this y Alts r7, t6. will ferhimdo to a fulfillingofhis Miniftery; this will notfullerhimto dare to doe the workeofthe Lárd negligently and perfunftorily. In euery ordinary Chri(tian, thiswill bringfoorth notableeffe&s: it will make hishearing jwifto, L 19111 t. o . forward toembrace allgoodopportunities forinftru&ion; his prayingferment; his tinging hearf,; hiscaromingto the Lords Table,notfaihionable, but affec- tionate; his ;Ming to the poorecheerefnll, his exhortationsand admonitions to tholewith whom he conuerfeth,frequent and powerfull, his words ofcom- fort vpon tuft occafron,feeling and effe&uall; hiscourtes foe good1eitherfoe himfelfe,orfor hischildrenand family, conftant and unbroken; hisdeteffation ofeuill,ftrong andimplacable;his forrowing for the linnesof the times,deepe andpiercing. Thefebethe fparkes which this fier ofzeale will cat+forth con- tinually where It is. Óh you nowthat thinke you arein the (lateofgrace, and banethe fp irit ofGodwithin you,dealeeffe&sallywith your feluesabout this: Cana menfaithSalemen,earry florin hitbefome, andhie clothesnet bebarns X. IsitaProu.6.57. pollibleto haue this hcateofzeale,andnot perceiueit ? Nowwoe is me,forthe coldneffe to be found amongali forts ofmen. Where isyour zeale for God, ohyou Magiftrates ? where is that bleffedpn ionatoeffe which ought tobe in you, making you vnable to forbeare themOut areeuill ? Where is your caretobeautifie the houfeofthe Lord,to endeuoue the fuppref_ fingof theraging fins of the firft Table,aswell as themore notoriousbranches ofthefecond? Whit awofullcafe, what piny,youfhould bee meereGa//wet, not caring for thefe things,andcountingReligion but a gaeftionofnames and words? What an heauy cafe, thatthey whichby their places fhould keepe dowhe euill,fhouldby their peffouall pra&ife,and by the courfes of their ordi- nary attendants, countenanceand approve and let vpeuill , taking recogni- zancesofpooreTiplers, fortherefiraint of gaming anddrunkenne/le, when yet the fame things (hall bee found nowhere fo much as within their owne doores. Here ispoore teak for God; woe to that fiupidity, which bythere foule difhonours againftGod,cannot be ftirred. Well , I would yet that this zeale , which isfo fcarfe in IodabsTribe, were to bee found plentiful) in the house ofLori t buttherein alamentable coldnylle come eaenuponvs alto. I delightnot to beea finger in the fores of thole of mine own profelfron ;I wills and pray, that allthe Wasurius we? purse theno/ss fnom,and everyone inhis place /kg thepolt(hedSepbirb,but letm right hand for- get her cunning /fetter thee want a fingér to point (arise lest') at thole more thenpalpable teftimotaiesofour vnzealoufnes, and ofour Laodicea,, luk- Iii z wartnneffe