boo The fpiritudllMans taike, warmne(Th, fucli a time-feruiT, men- pleafira,fbrfakingof flockes,multiply- ingof !lairgs, hunting for preferments , vncompaffionatneffe to the peoples fou les: Come never preaching; tome feldome, Come tooprofoundly , Come too Ihallowly , Come asgood neuer a whit i as neuerthe better:thefethings (hew plainely,wehave fmall teak for the Lord of bolts. It is time that the Ange/tof the CovenantavI,s likepiiging (ter, aìld ete theFalters fope , Jbauld ms¢e(freed tit come s Mal.;,r.&c. ratabis Templets trioandfindtheformes of Lea.,andiemiffs them aegeldandftuer, that theymay"kring ófferigs pate the Lord in r.ghteekfneße,. 1 haue difcoue,ed the (malneffe of wale in the heads and eyes ; let vsde- fcend a little to the viewofthe lower parts. And here beholdat the very firft, wee areencountred witha wofull fpetacle: Imeanethe generali di(grace and dil-reputation that this zeale is;it hath many enemies, and the world for the moll part cannotabide if: fdlly;madnelfe,fury,indilcretiori, headineffe,fingu. larity,vncharitablenetfe, hypocrifie : Like totheft aretherebukes that are fal- len vpon it. It ispadre lore eartreJllya/wa.esinagaadthing faithS. Peal d : yet the dGA.4.,8. worldcommonly appronithofearnellaelfein any thing, more then inReligi. on;withpretencesoftemper, difcretion,aduifedneffe,moderation, they haue almoft that zealeout of doores. I know thereis anextremity ingoing toofár, and there is afolly ingoing awry ; yet no=Conwhy the indifcttetand heady zeale oftome, fhould out-face anddifcountenance true zealein any. Betides this,ifwe lookevpon thole, that yet will pretend toappease zeale, andmake a thew tohluè foine ofthis holy hervpon their hearts, whatdefe is (hall wee find,what a nakedformality in the profeffron ofReligion what Height hearing, as ifones prefence at a Sermon were enough for him, what fuperficiall pray- ing, what lip.deuotions, what cuflomary communicating, what grudging li. berality?What either vtter neglect, or coldandcuttald performance of hod:. hold holyduties , what filence-and backwardnes in the duties ofadmonition, whatea(Sneffe todigeft omites and filthyprofane fpeeches, which wee haue withoutany token or diflike ? Alas, whereareour fpirits, or what mettallare wemade of? Doenot thofe things,fo true, foapparant, tuftifie again(}vs,that we want zeale. But Imuff ftoppe, leftÍpreueutmyfelfe beforeIrhinite. Ihaue hitherto, plaid the right Spinftee,anddrawneout a long thred outofa (hoer route :Sure Iam,I hauenot firayed frommy firffground; I will,noee (as thevfe in fpinning is)that Thane, asIhope fufficiently twilled thisthred,brieflywind it vpdn the quill,and fo let onwith thatwhich ié next. We are charged not togaencbtheSpirit. Frani whence I haue enforced inthe Do63rine, 11pofbilityefkratiegmbetber emuwe bole theSpirit ; Jhauevrgedin- the Vfe, curry oneto make enquiry intó himfelfe concerning this, becaufeI know well,it is ha vaine for a man to conceiue an hopeofbeing faued,ifbebee not lure hereof. Now, becaufe to perfwadeenquiry herein, werefenfeletfe, without dire. eeion how tonerefoiued byenquiry, therefore' haue enlargedmy (elfe in this, to teach howthat halingofGods Spirit, which isa pledgeoffaluation, may be knowne. The word (,aench)efhewethit tohauea fiery nature, and fo it bath : It is brightasfire, it ishot asfire. Bright to-the intighiningof themmdc, with a knowledge groundedvpon Scripture,confirmedbyexpericnce,and directed to prablife. It is hot, in conCuming and walling the groffenes dour untrue corruption, and inkindling in vs an holy zeale for God. Now, left through deceitful- nelleof oar hearts , welhould imagine our felues furuilhed withthofe things, (nothauingthem,)I honelaboured todifcouer ourdefe&s; asnamely, for the former: fome without any manner ofenlìghtning, voluntarily wrapt vp in the tnyft 1