Hieron - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.H54 S4 1624

The1pirituallMans taske. 66g tnyffofignorance; fome,hauingonlyfomeflafhingso fknowledge , fuch only as fwim in the head,and are neuer madevfe foran holy praftdc,For the later, Themoll, ouerwhelmed with thepreuailing of their owoecorruptions, and without heat,orlife,orcourage in the things ofGod. This is the fummeaf I haue teemedin any thing too tart or peremptory, I ` am content toRandor fall,at the judgement ofany man,that foal indifferently confider theRareeither ofthe times, or ofhis owne foule, I dcfire withal}, to haue that meafttre met to met, which was ofright due to theProphets of old, that as when they fpake at large , There is notaman tobe found that rrecateth Iudgement,aadfeekethrhetruthe,Thef deal/ ddu/terert,anaffriab) ofRebelsi' :Thera a lei. ie vatone god?maxleft s, From thefoieoftheforae vato the bead , there uaothiagfCha wbdeh: They were nottobevnderffood, asiftheythought there werenopar- gt>tai its ; titulars tobec excepted, in whom there was fome goodneffe : fo whereas I bElay r.6: haue mentioneda generali using in the feruice offoulefivaes, andham. com- plaineduponMagiftrates, andMinifers, andpeopleforseäbt of zeale, thinke notIgoe aboutto fpot all,without exception. I know well,that the Lordbath relented a remnànt,xná' thereare that know the truth comfortably, profeffe it fincerely,and yeeld obedience faithfully t I know there are zealousMagifirates, Miniflers feruent In fpirie, God incrcafc thenumber ofboth,but yetthe generaley is out of tune I feare me, thole that are truly zealous, arebut Ai for fhakingelanOlive tree, two orthree berriessethetopofthevtmo /fbeaghet,r/. i. OarofaE.ity,twooftTribek.` tusy.6, And thenwithall, eues the bell offuch, it they will doe themfelucsright, mull k lo`' 3'`9 needs yeeld they haue needofquickning : it (hall be fortheir good , either to beawakned ant of that securitywith which they are ottertaken,or ter bekept from that presumption whichmay befall them; chatfo theymayTooke againe, andagaine,and oftenupon these evidences of havingGods Spirit, which they thinke theyhaue, and bee affuted they are such , as (há11 not deceive them in heend, t And thusI come tomyfecond point; That itisaeee,Qaryfor him thatthmkeshe The a.Déth baththe Spirit God, to takeheed ufpaeashingit. This is the maine thing which the Apostle here intends.I amherenecefiarily tobeginnemy handlingof this Doarinewithaquestionortwo, Whether the SpiritofGod onceeecclued, may be quenched: and then ifwe finde upon confiderationthat it cannot , to whatend is thisdoarine of perching tt,andwhat misI beethoughtin it to be intended. To the fire Quefion, whether the Spirit can be quenched, I anfwer di- redly thus : That vnderfianding by Spirit, thole graces of God which fireame fromEleetion, and are bnflowedas the pledgeand earneftofAdop- tion:and againe,taking the word puench,at the Iargeo,totan utterpotting out, fo that the beingofchafegraces, Rini be fuppofed utterly to'ceafe, andbeea- bolifhed: then thus ,thespiritcannot Ise quenched. For, hint that is borne of God odThereseacertaiaeSeedremainingp ,lit, and the-Spitibofrenuing,isaliningt,loh,;.9; p g, which is neuer utterly drayned, but is Rill Springiegup vetoamitymrwIoh.4.tq. GodsSpirit entereth theCoates ofGodsbeloued ones, asaaweóir n;as aremai. n1ìms.u; ttero,notas afoiourner. eHag, a,6, This holy fier is fuch,as nob}ails oftentátion can extingni(h, though the di- uell,like theSerpent e, shall raftout ofhie mouth water like a f /oudiyetfor him tobe P Ron. rarç. able toquench itcleane,ir is impoffible.As is the fierofGods ludgcrnent,(o is that ofhis fattingGrace,enen bothunquenchable. Thus to anfwer the Writ' ware. Now this firf'ginesoccationto a fecond: If (asyoufay) this holy fierbe exempted from all poliibray ofextinguifhment. Iii h why