The! iritu:all Man! tasIIe, 607 and ispretily recouered, put cafe that bee wereaffured thatalbeit bee-florid fall into rclapfe, he ihöuld-notwithftanding bee relieved again', and e- !cape Death : yet he would be loth to come to tholeweakeneffes f to thofe grievouspangs and puls,to thetediousand irkefome We ofthofc experiments ofPhyfickc,whichdoeneceflarilyaccompany. fuch an eftate. Sowhat though . there be an affurance out of GodsWord in the generall, chat aftera reducing into the fluteofgrace, therecan be no fallingbacke intothe flare of condem. nation, and that theSpirit once conferred , can neucr betaken away; yet no wife Chriflianwould be willing to abide this brunt ofrecouery froma fpiri. tuall rel apfe: The (mart ofitwill bee filch,and will colt a man fodeare, that though he be healed, yet he wouldgire a world, if might,to efcape it. Spiritwho can6earey? yPros, ts.r;, Their things were herencccllarily to bepromifed,for theclecringofthis fe- cond Do&rin,that wemay conceiue ofitaright :this is the effe& then: It is the will ofgyad, thateuery manwho is renued, called; fan&ified by hisSpirit, fhould fe, toit by all meanes, that her may continue in that gracious eflate, and may neuerlofe the fweet comfort ofthe graceofGod, which hestow en- ioyeth;but may rather encreafe it, Sc make it tobecome greaterandfuller and more effe&wall in him thenit is:for filch is the natureofeuery negatiue precept to include theenioyningof that good , which is contrary to that cull] which in it is inhibited :as(Tben /halt not fissile) togetherwith the reliraintof all fuch efts as may impeach a neighbours efface:it comprifeth an iniun&ion:, ofrea- dineffe and forwardnclfe to promote his good : fo here thou:(halt not quench the Spirit; both forbids thedoingof that which may abate the graces of God invs , and bindes vs to the pra&ife of.wharfoeuermay iaettafe tha fame. Now forthe confirmation of thisDo&rine, fernedire&lythofefpeeches; Take heedGdat any time there be inau, ofyou ax euill heart andvnfaitbfall, todepart aHeb. ;.tas away from the fixing Gad'.Letvt flare left atany t noebyforfakiag theEremite ofewe- a Chap.q.t. ring inure!? , any ofyoufhoald fierce tobe depraxed'. Let yrbe ledforwardvare per. b Çhap. E.t, eRionb. Take. heed that noplan all away from the grace of God C. Beware left aCheP,-,'r{: .f ak. f Sr f d: Pçc;ry, Jae bepinked away with the error of the wicked , sendfallfromyoarnw.eefledfeJl..;u.. were. Butgrow ingrace, eyca. Look! to yourfelaer thatye loft Sotthe thizgt which e Ioh.s. "ethanedono,bat thatyoamay reeciste a full reward' Edifteyearfeluetioyourmoll, holy Faith, and /teepeyourfelsseoin theloueofGod . That which joss halo already; gi17,' a;xt. boldfaff,e'ce. Hold that which thou haJJ,efrct. Let him that thtnkethhe.Am: is cri.ró.cs dcth , takeheedLeff be falli.. Let vsgrowvpìntefallholineffe k. Obferue the plea- .k . Cor.r. r. tyoftheScripture herein: all thefe places acmeat thevery fame thing which is I L iai. rs e . here required, force of them(asyou fee)aduiliingtobeware howwe let go our bola, fame vrgingvs tofìtiue toadde 1fill as much as is pollìble to our prefent fpirituallllore. The fcnfeof thisduty made Dauidtopray to be lhieidrdfrom thefoquenchings, which he peeceiued fisofelfeto bee inclinable tot; to bee. )ablifdedet, flayed, and to haue bie flops direíedn. No Damai heroin" Pf.nq.rt6, difcouered his defire to cherilh the fpitituall heatewhich he hadreceived, and ó vides r7 to bee quickened in righteeufaeffer. This made Paul to be (fill prefftng for P verfgo. wardand following hard q :'Hereuponhe prouokedTimothy, toflirrevp thegift q Phil. ;, r,;, that was inhim ', oras thewordproperly fignifiethto.blow , or to take ourof'4 theallies the fierofgrace whichhehad receiaed, that fo theheave being infla. ävx?w r, medinhisownebofome, the (parkenmight Ikeout abroad, forthewarmth ofothers allo. It werenot hard toenlarge thispoint: butI mufflimitmy felfe,by(peaking toomuchofnot quenching, I llsoald at rnawares quench yourattention, and Iii í dug