608 Thefpirituall Mans tafke. dullyou by the ouer abundanceofthat matter, by which my delire is toquit- ken you: yet I hopeifyou (halibutputforth euery man theendofhis rod,and dip in this little comboofpony which Ihaue peefentedyou, like (tothe pra. Bars.[{ 27. RiceofTenetb ed,) you thanreceiúe a fuf cient fight of the tenthof this pre- Cent Doeirine, yfe, Whofoeuer thou be, that haft found ,. or hereaftervpon due enquiry (halt findthy felfeto haue receiued this Spirit ofGod,whéreof bathhithcrunto been fpokcn,behold here what duty lieth upon thee; euen tobewarehow thou Tuft ferthat bleffedheat to flake,which by thegrace of Godhash been enkindled in thee. Thouartthe Templeofthe liningGod,if thou arta right Chriftian : and ifthou wanteil this lier,.thoucaulk neueroffer vnto God any pleatingSacri- fice. Oh thenmakemuchofthatwarmth ofgrace whichthouhaft gotten, fuf- fer not that coalewhich the Lord hashcall into thy bolòme, to die within thee, which though in thyTeeming it bebut a- little one , yet even by that littleone holily imployed, thy foule may liue;blow it, adde 1111 more andmore matter to it:albeit it doe yet butfmoake,yet it will breake forth into fucha flame,by which thou (halt Thineasa light here in this crookedworld,and as the Sunin the ,,m$03.43, kingdemeefthy Felber r, I would our continuali care topreferue the earthly fier, for our commonhoulhold vfe,might daily mindvs of this duty : why Ihould we not be afraid of fuchthings as may quench Gods graces invs, and cook that feruency, the increafewhereof (hall be our owne glory ? Howmanybe there,whothroughtheir own fecureprefumption,haue brought themfelucsto awofull coldnelíe,yea,little other thena tneeredeadneffe in religion: fireby difufe andnegleâ ofdependance upona powerful(Min+ftry,contenting theor- felueswith, inamanner, any thingin that kind :Comeby ingulfing themfeluei too farinto the world t Come by making themfelueslittle better then Cements vntopleafure: fomc by forting themfelues with perlonsof-corrupt minds and inordinate behauiour,bywhole eitherperfwafions,they haue been feduced,or example,poifoned,or fcoffcs difheattencd: Come by feldomneffeof fellowfhip .Prou.ny.sT. with thoic that are fiscereindeed, by whom¡e Tren &y Iren', they might beet (harmed illy fuch courfes(I fay) as thefe,manyhave cart themfeluesbackeas glfa.;Li. manydegrees,as the (liadow returned by in the dialsofAiwa . Letentry man that tendereth the good ofhis ownefoule, Tooketo himfelfe Inthis particular. If Come captious wit (hall obielt, that the parts ofmy; fpeech arewithout Concord, fithI perfwade not toquench, andyet teach an- impoffrbility ofquenching :Let bin: know thathis prefuming, hisaduentu, ringto intermeddlewith the meanes andquenching ; andto negleíì the helpes to encreafe the beate ofgrace, under a pretext that the Spirit of Godcannot beequenched , isa arcing euidence againft him, that in him the Spirit of God (snot nofpirit faue thatwhich ruled: and workethin the Tonnes ofdifobe- dience. This is a lure rule, thatGod accompanied: all his purpofes ofgood tors , by begetting indeauours invsagreeing tohis putpores: Gods purpofe ofaffording mce fauingknowledge , iseffe&ed by his railing vein mee a de. fire and loue ofknowledge : Gods purpofe of enduing mee with faith, is made goodby infpiring me with a firiuing difpofition toheleeuç t Gods pur7 pole of fan&ifyingme,isbrought topage byworking in meac&Icionable aims to the duties ofobedience:Gods purpofe that I (hall not fall,is brought toper. ft&ion bya care wrought inme,not to fall: Gods purpofenot to let his Spirit goe out inme, is flablik, tbyhis framing my heart tosholy feat ele fl.IOtould quench it,aconftantlaboring toauoid the quenchingofit,&woreail helpsby which it may be holpenontoperfokion; ifthere thingsbenot inthee, thou art a carnal( man entry way,a fpiritual manno way.TheSpirit ofGod isneuer tho.. Author