Hieron - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.H54 S4 1624

TruthsPurcha,fe. 49 tratieties,as though he weretherefore todepriue himfelfe of theneceffary food ofhis foule,becaufe it maybe,that through want ofcare,in [leadofbeing fedde, he may be poyfoned. We know rather, that he ought tobe the more diligent in prayer, themore fludiousin the Scripture, that fo whenhee comnieth tobuy the Trath,he may not be deceiued. Thus this point meeteth with this humorof wiI- fulnef e. Now for the vnskilfulneffeof men, this doth altomake againft it ex- ceedingly. It is tootrueof the greatcflpart ofour hearersat this day, that they are children in vnderftaiding =:they want the judgement which Tool fpeakethof, c1,Coraq, to difcerne rhinos that differ one from another d: theyare like waneofdie Sege, no. euery windeof dobbrine is ready toouerblow them; their hearts are not flablifhed f, d Phil, c.1ó, they haue no exercifid Pairs =:They willbee ready tocrieHa [omit toChrift to Exeb.egry day,and to bid Cracifie him tomorrow; theyare like to thole ofLj ra h, who g He,q.14. at the firs admired'Paul , - and made a God ofhim, but with the turningofan h Aet.14.. hand, by the counfell of the Iewes, they drew hitn out ofthe City and [toned him; fo callable andvnfettled are the moltofvs at thisday , that a man may perfwade any thing failing that which onght tobebeleeued. Whoalmoft is fo skilfull and experienced, as to knowmenin theprincipal' matters,andmolt ne- celfarypoints ofreligion , what is tobe held asTrack , and tobe detefled as an errour ? tobe able to fayperemptorily ; this I am fare is true in religion, and I will (by thegraceofGod) line and dic in it; this is an error, and Ihope neuer to yeeldveto it You will fay (perhaps)this is enough for Preachers. Ohbeloved, I fayas gjofisdid,! Wouldall the Lordspeople were Prophets ',I would we were all iNum.t,.i that cunning; nay would men were , orcould be perfwaded,thatthis is a due. ty, to finse tocome toa ferledcertainety herein. Then there weremuch hope ofthe perpetuating ofreligion; thenwe needneuer fearethe re- eftabiilhment of popery; and atheifine,Iam fure,wonldgiue vp the Ghofl.Well,youfee the Truth muff be bought , for [hale we cannot deny it. Inbuying we may be over- reached ; in reafon we cannotfay againft it;therefore tre,flrould allobe afhamed, to be fo without reafon, asnot tothinke itreafonitolabour with the Lordby prayer to leade vsintoall Trath,that fo we may growin the Trurh,and continue firmein the Trothvino the end. Andthis is an endoftite thirdbranch. The fourthcitcurnftance is makingthispurchaleof theTroth, is togiue the Thcfucth price proportionable to thevalueofthe commoditie, whichis indeed thevery Beanch,anÁ Idofbuying; theother three which Ihauenamed hitherto,arebut preparatiues 4.doftrine to Pitying. For thoughamanfeeleth his ownewant , commeth totheplace of fate, tried) and examineth thecommodity which is for his necefsitie, yet he iS not laid to haue boughr,rillhe haue payde the priceat which the thing is rated. All the while before, he is faid tobe tuna chapman ; andmany doall the former oftentimes, who haueno great difpoltion to buy.Sofareth it inour cuftomary Buying, and fo it is in thiscafe. It isneceffarie for a man toleek thewantof knowledge, to come to the place ofknowledge, to examinethat which isprof- fered to him , but yet heehash sat followed Solomon, counfellas bee ought, vntill he hauepayed the pricealto. NOW the price(asI tolde you) is notmoney (for ,shy moseyperi!Ii with thee',which art of thatopinion:)but theprice is this,to kAd.8.ao. preferre it inaccount and eflimationbéfors althings,and fotomake itour chie- s fell labor toataineit. You (hall feeaisprooued, lfdavitfeekefl knowledge asAter' and[umbel} for her asfortresfure,theahhoufha ltvnderylandthefeare oftheLord'. [prow= 45- Thek epdomeofheavenh likevntoaMeriiiant man, that feekeeh goodpearlet, who kaiakfouaA apearle ofgreat price, Went andfn/ded that Iseobudasadboughtitm; o:pgarhr ;.4Ç The eogdòmeofbeauenfuffers violence,& theviolent takeit byferce,,:Wit youbane nmarh.ttaz examples?/count al things Joffe(faithPaul)for the excellentknòWledgefakeofChriff .: Jelin or 'anda littleafter in the famechapterhe compareshimfelfe to aman ina oPh113.9, faee,whopartly tolignife his deli* of the prize , partly to helpehimfelfe in running,leaheth fotwatd inhisrunning ;fo(faith he) forget that wbichis behind; E 3 bending