613 Caueat, and a Comfort for Belceuers. The fir/t Sermon. Lvtn 21.3L32. 31. Sime.,Simwn,behold,Satan bath defiredyoxde winwyeaaswheat. 3 a. Bea !batpaidfar tote, thatthyfaithfails wt. Fallother al}liftions, they are the moil tharpe and grieuous, which proceed from the fpeciall and moreimmediat praftifeaadendeauours of thedi- uell toweaken,yea, and toouerthro the faithof Godschildren , and to draw them from that fiate ofgrace intothe which they haue been called,into that old conditionofdamnation andmifery,from whichonce by thegreat mercy of God they haue efcaped. Of thetrialsofthisfort , that fpeechof a, <°oa ,<e Chriftrope,er,eue21 the very point ofhis attach. mfnt,wiIl give lull occafion:to fpeake asmuch as fhall be neceefary.Two thingsare here to be confidered :firft,a wordofadmo- Theklient nitioa;Simes,Sinon, behold,Satas highelefredyax ,,,WNW atWhat: Secondly5a 44614a4 wordofcomfort : Bat lbanprayedfertheetbatrbyFaithfai lenot. In deliuering the word ofadmonition, Simon onely is named , but all theb ther Faithfull,Difcipleswereintended:andtherfore ourSauiour epeaketh as of morethen one, be bathdefrredawinopH): whereupon CAW in hisHarmony i n-nbi,sriµdá debeGofpels,makes this fpeech toholdproportion with that; Allmelba/1h aMathxe. ;s.' *fouled metbia Night:now Simmswasonely named,becaufe in thisfirfi brunt, whichwas now inflantly to follow this warning, hewas liketo receive the greateft foile:therefxrehe wasnow fpecia llyfingledout,to attend to this,both caueat andcomfort, intowhichnotwithfanding. all the tenwere intereffedas well as he; nay, we !hallfind vponfurther inquiry, that bothofthefeapper- taint to the whole company of Gods beloued ones. It is theirportion tobe fiftedby Satan t and it is their flay, that Chrift Iefus is a continual! futer for them to hisFather,tbattheirFaitbmay setfade. I will fpeakeof that firff,which isfiat ; the admonition ; nothandling any other pointoutof it,fane that which belongs to thatfpeciall matter for which Ihauechofenit. TheDoßrineisthus. Thar itis themane ßdefireAndpraffifeofthe dixell,tabe asprelxdltialland ae bartfxll T'he r,Dsa. at he ?OM) eau,my rbefe which base is/nod threughgrace. Our Sauiour telleth ie kk Fuer