eh+ XCaaeat, etnel aComfórtfor Beleeuerl. Peter here,and in himhis otherDifciples, that Satanwas (as it were) an impor- tunate Petitioner , tdhave fo muchleave and liberty affoprdedhim, as towin. now them eoWheat: that is , eitbertogiae them as !ittleref, et theCorne bath that to call Mutheveffell,wherein it ie'pot, thee it maybe fifted, whichfrperperaafly tilledsad ',Moldahem fromone fide voteanother fo long as itu there: or el liewee mull under_ ffand by this wi.e.wing,hulabouring todriae away, orlift outfrom thechildrenofGael all gramawlgoodneffe, andte leasein them(ifit might he) nothingells bet the coarfe brawn ofallcorrapoiee. We mull beware howwe flretch fimilitudestoo farre. Truth is, there isanv(ngofthechildrenof God likewheat, which tendeth to their purging, and fodoth thispra ofeof thediuellherefpokenof,butnotin his intent;andwe mull nowhere confider ofit, not as itis amatter ouertuled by Godsgracious prouidence, who turtles all tothe good ofthofe that loue « him,andmakes Mtn the enemy oftheirfoulesto become aninhrumentoftheir perfesion : buthere we areto rake noticeof it,as it is in Satans drift and aime, and foit is only to doe mifchiefe,and in that refpea, tomolefl and to difquiet tliot that arethe Lords, and ifit were pollible, toleaue notfo mach asadçam offairh,ora graineofanygrace within them. Now, this isa matter, faithour Sauiour, which thediuell is much in loue withall,accounting(asitwere)a piece ofhis happineffetoattemptit. And al- beit thiswere fpoken tothe DifciplesofChrifl, yet it apperrninen to all that belong tothe eledtionofgrace : for, though this enemy be moll fpightfully let againft Tome fpeciall ones (thepreuailingagainl whom may bee a messes to hazard and to endanger a great many)yet his maliceis towards all, turn toas many asare comprehendedwithin the compafie of that tearmeof thefeedeof Getà3;rq, wer aab,withoutlimitation. Such as theDifciples,which were ordained to be as lightslet on ahill , from which manywere to receiue direaion in the way to lite, Iltoll be mainly levelled at about others. Thediuell knoweth, thatthe fall ofonefuch one, will weaken diners, butyet thereihall nose efcape him, that hath gin= vp hisname vnto Chrif, in fincerity ofheart. Andfo much both this Teat waswritten to a(lùre vsof, and Iam further to declare by the Scripture : Ir wasfpoken touching all Chriflians generally,chat they are fob. Ethec,s,u, ieatodhssimiles o£the dIaell.,andwrefile,not withfiejbaidblood,iutagamßPrineo- palitiet,.sgainß Pewert,aadagainfl theworldly Geaerne, the Prince:ofthe darknesof dVerfe in, this world, again£ tritaallwkkedneffeswhichare inthe highplaces a. It was delwetedasa warning to all that feareGod whithoutexception,that itbehoueth them tobefoberandwatching , becaufe they haue their adoierfoeis i/ss asPst.l.s. diuell,wboasa roaring Lbwwalketb Jim , fool.pcgwhom h. sway detonar,n. If Satan were notmalicioully bentagainfl all that beleeue, Nab iealouleoncethe Cs. rintbiees,hath been caufelelfe,when bee wasafraid ofthem,lef aatheSerpent be. Bailed Eaetbrotsgb his fabiiltj,fa theirmindefhowldhe corrupt from thefmplieitythat is faCoan:3, mChrlf t. Satan in hispraaife againft Chri(l , (hewedhisdifpofition againft allthat are byfaith engrafted intoOval : hewinnowed and lifted himwith as much violence and fubtilty ashecould,fhifting fromone tentation toanother, to fee ifby any meaner he might hauecorrupted him. Hethat encountred the head,will not fpare the heele:andmuch would he pleafe andfatisle hirnfelfe in it,as Tome piece ofa reuengeepos Chrifl, ifhe could but makeTome few drops ofhis precious blond,in regardof tomeone or two ofhis beloued ones, to bee glokt.44, fpiltinvaine.HebathasChriftfaiths,6eettamarthererfromthe&egianing :neither is his,either name or nature yetaltered. Hceis that great e.fboddoah, thacprofeffed Deftroyer: wholeneuer eta- lingpraaife,and vninteimitted indeaaour it is,to enlargehis owne kingdome . as much as bee may by the fpoileoffoules. Wee can difpofe of our felues no where,nor apply our felues to anymarner ofimploymcnr,wherein we can fay we atefree fromhis attempts. Even in patadife he affailed /dam,and ourSa. uious