Hieron - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.H54 S4 1624

r Caueat, andaComfort for Beleeuera.: 615 ulour Chriftno leffe in the holy City, andvpon a pinacle of theTemple, then vpon thetop ofah{ountaine, or in the forfakenWilderneffe : nay, the better the perfon is,in regard ofa large meafure offanaification : the holiertheplace is in refpe&of the:ire to which it is denoted:and the more religionsandfatted' thebufineffethat is vndertaken,the more hot ishe:and,though notidle atother times,yet vpon fuchoccafions,he exceedsin fpight, and in his hellifhlabour to doe mifchiefe. The fafhion of Pharaoh towards the Ifraelites , may ferite asavery excel lenttype:into vs, ofthediuels dealing.Thecruelty ofPharaobtowards the IG raelites was euergreat, afterthe time thathe once began tooppreffe them:but afterthe firffmotion madeby/tic/it, that theymightgoetoworfhipGod, his tyrannybegan tobeimproaed, and the burdenshe laid vpon them wereheaa tiler then before: andwhenthey werenowcomeneereffto thatholybufineffes being departed fromout his land, thenwas' he molt ofall enraged: thenmar. died he outafter themwithhis full ffrength, toreduce them againe into their formerferuitude,ifit had been poble. This is Sams manner, loakeasany manfhall increafe ingodlines, and in a careofapprouinghimfelfe untoGod in anyholy cc:nee:fo doth he increafe towardshimin enmity. And byhow much the moreone litai1 growintofanour cvith God, by fo much (hall the fpight of thisAduerfary againit himbe morebitter , and hispra&fifesbe both morefre quent,andmore violent to reducehim. I hope Ifhall not need to addemore forthe confirmationof this do&rive. The tam is this : It appeares by hisdifpofrtion towards the Apofiles of ourSa. uiour, by the teftimonies ofScripture, touching his continuall compaffing the world, with anintent and purpoletodeuoure,by theimplacablenes ofhisen. mity againstChrift, by the bloudines ofhis nature, and bywhatfoeuer 'areis anywherereported ofhim inthebookeofGod:that it is the exceeding de(ireof Satan,odoe asmuchmifchiefe as hecan,and to procure as muchdifquiet as he poblymay, to all thofe,towhom the Lord bathvouchfafed this mercy tobe. lieue:let vsgrow intoadue confederationofthevfes tobemade ofthisdoftrin. Thefirftvfeis,toflirasvptoRandcontinuallyuponourfpirituallguard .ItTbs't.P , isthe effe&of that whichS.P441 and S,Pater in the places before fpecified,doe preffevpon vs, in refpe&of thisenemy; and it was the reafoti of thisintima. tiongiuen here to theDifciples by ourSauiour, that beingforewarned , they mightthe rather be forearmed.Ifwe thinkeour Celtics to beChriffians indeed, we Ihould be incontinual expe&ationofCome affault,looking fIill out,where, when, andinwhatmanner this enemy will furprift vs. ACity oran army that isbeleagured, bath alwaiesfame fcouts andefpials , fentintlsandwatchers by bight,as itwere lomany riesfest intoCenerai1 places, toobferutand marke what is intended, and toglue warning thereof, left the tenfhould be overtaken vnawates. After thefame manner,webeing foberet and encompaffedon the righthand, andon the left, fometimes indangertobe puffedvp with tootuch confidence,fometimestobepreffeddowse with defpaire, and lb many things fining occafionvnto Satan, to furtherthere hishelli (hpurpofes, theSpiritof Godvrgeth vs toanvaintermitted watchfulnes,to beever, as it werelooking aboutvs, inafmuch'as byhowmuch themore fuddenlySatan fhall letvponvs, by fomuch the greater is our danger. Itwas one ofthe charges giuen byout Sauiourto his Difciples,and With themto vs,Thet(falthhe)whioh /pi estoyea, I fay unto 411, match'. Andindeed commonreafon bath taught cuery wife man i Mar,f;,gg, tomakethat ere ofan enemy : ifhe know that thereis one liningbyhim, who laolees and longs todoehima difpleafure,- and is ever waiting an occafon by whichtoendangerhim, hrwilleakeheed tohimfelfe fo much the mere, and doublehis ownecare,accordingas thefpight and malice ofhis Aduerfary cloth increafe: Andfurely,if either the certenty ofthe affautt,or theflrengthofthe gkk a enemy