ACaueat, andaComfort for eleeuerrs 619 the caresofthe world, andthedecaitfirineJfe ofr,chee cheakegeed thinge in them a ?With d Mah.t, what acolour doth ihe Diuell leade many profeffors ofreligion into this fume: forfoothmen mull follow their callings , and they mull befrugall and provi- dent, andhe which is not carefoll for his company is work then an Infidel!: thustheenemy poyCons themwith this bewitching euill, and focatrieth them intoa worldofintanglements,beCotting them fowith the farming fweetnes of the earth, that they can cedermenotíme for their Conks, neither tobellow a. broad,not in their families,nor can c hearefullyenlarge their hands and hearts to any gracious vie for others comfort. Aman may bee enen afraid of many that ferme to haue force fauour ofreligion,becaale of this one dangerous euill wherewith Satan layeth continual? liege onto them. Againe, from out of the world, he fcts vpon theCeruants ofGod with plea. Cureanddelight rr Oh, recreationis lawful?, Come (portis neceffary , and thcfe and their particularsmayvery well be iuftified, and here ereepes in ftealingly that,which the Apoftle callesa losing ofpleafeere marabou a lottingofGode, aEpen- e a Tiro. 3.9. ding ofmoregood heuresinonprofitablede lights,thenin holyduties for God and for ourfelues. Then furtherthere is anotherbaite, and that ispreferment, this is adaiige eonsone, the Diuelikept thisto the laflplace to tryChrifl withall,thinking if . any thing would preuaile,this wouldbe it,All thir,&c. asdaheglorythereofI will gme thee . Ohhow doe manymen foraine, and euen willingly difpeufewith fMatlt.4 ê. their owne confciences,or againft them rather,and( as wefay) borrowapoint or two for reputations fake? How aremenbrought to (trainand to force their wits to iuftifie this orthat? andall becaufe the famehailing Come (hew oflaw. fulneff fetvpon ir, will makean caller way to their aduantage: yet the Diuell bath more weapons our of theworld , he finds fubtle Imadab to enchantand toperfwadeto thatwhich is euill , cunningworke. men tocoole reale, to en. courage visto liberty, to flay frombeingtoo forward, andto aduifeto a tem. per andmoderation in religion: thefeare inf reaed how to carry the matter handfomly,and withformal! reafons and llaewesofScriptureto keepe backe from that feruent carethat ought tobe ; nay,the Diuell will goe neere to find fome Preachers to fet a worke in this bufineffe to with-draw from forward- nelib (vnder faire pretences tobewareof newfangledneffe) and tottakeheedpf beingtoomuchof the purity. Then further there willbee heaped inmany difconragements, when one isin a good way : here is loGevponloflè in outwardthings, goingbackward in the world, beides littleremorfe among friendsin theday ofwant: here is trou- ble, hereis reproach and fcorne , here is llander and ill will, all manner ofeuill fpoken : with fachthings as theftit appeares by Scripture and experience that Satan fighteth agaihfl Gods children, and all to furtherhis generali aimeofei- ther lulling them alleepe in fecurity, orfwallowing them vp into difcourage- ment. Now hee bathanother aiderand inflrument, thatis thefiefh, our owne in. bornecorruption : out ofthis fpringout incelfantlyaworldof euill motions, and offuch lults,as Saint Peterfpeakethof,which doe fight againfa theSoule g. The g t per,z_r t' diuell by long obferuation is growne exceeding skilful?, and heewill foonevn- derltand,what bee the thingsto which weebee Moltinclinable, and willworke vpon vs accordingly : and as there is noeuill whereto hee (hall perfwade, but our nature bath aproneneffetoit: fobee willber litre toalfault eríochiefly an he knoweth itto fort heft with our natiuebent;as, if aman beof nature more frugall and(paring, he will ply himwith tentationsofprofit r ifhee beeofan ambitiousdifoofition, heewill (et himforward withhopes ofhonour aridpro. ferment ; if chcarefill andpleafantof quality, hee will aflale himwith plea- litres , with company, with occafions of turning filch a nature into careief lkkg nelfe