6ao eílCaueat, anda CosrfortforBeleeuers. neffe and vanity : iffad andfolitary, hewill encounter himwithfrightful[ pafsi: ons, andlabour todrawby fcaresandterrours into inconuenience:tffomewhat ffi&ing £afhionand trimneffe, heewill feedein that kind too,and furnifhwith perwafions tomake all tollerable thatleans thatway : ifcholerickandeafily prouokcd, he will find occafions therein alfo , fuch as fhall quickly kindle any vnnily hcate : ifone be fpeciallyinclinedto the applaudingofhimfeifc,and toa good opinionofhis owne parts andgifts, the Diuell Will fet on fuch as!hall praiféhim,andfoothhim,andfopuffehimvp with folly. Thus ina legion ofparticulars,he aduantagethhimfelfein thisferuiceófiif, tinfthechildren ofGod bytheir owneflefh, andeuen therebydothasit were carrythem captiuesoft times, that they cannot doethegoodwhichthey both fhould and would. Thisfefhis a falfe traitorwithinvs,whicheafily lersin that euill which Satanclothdefiretofetlein our foules : there isnoargument which theDiuell fhall vfe, whether it tend toprefumption or defpaire, butheewill makeit to feemein theiudgement offiefhandbloudtobeexceedingreafonable. Here then is the fecond vfe. Thefirft was toperfwadewatchfulneffe. The fecond, toPhew the great necefsity ofwatchfulneffe, and efpecially themain particulars, whereinthrough this enemywe in danger. His end is mifchie- nous: his meanesto thatend are verydireft; hishelper for thePettingan edge upon thofemeanes', veryftrong : theworldwill furnïfh himwithmanypre., nailing motiues, whether tomakevs fecureand careleffe, ortobringvsto bee defperate,and the flefh thatis invs, isfalfeto vseueryway , and thediuill will not faile tomakevfeofboth, to theVeryvtmoft. Confider nowwhetherhere be not iufcaufeoffpirituallwatching : the traineswhich theDiuell la ethare infinite; we doenothing, weegoenowhere, butlfill heeis inhis courfé, likea wily workemantofeduceand lift, and likea raging Lyontodeuoure. There is nothingout ofwhichhe will nottakeoccafion toentangle. Inour callingshee temptstoidleneg,, to fraud, tocouetoufnetfe, tocruelty; inoureatingsand drinkings, to exceffe, in our beingincompany , heewillfeeke eitherto makevs inftruments tohurt others, or others as means to corruptvs, in our primer heewillaffault vs withvngodly and vnprofitable thoughts, in performing any goodexercife,hc laboureth either to hindervsfrom it, or todiftraftvssn it,In profperity he endeauours topuffe vp, and in aduerfity todifhearten. I cannot' name allparticulars; by which,andinwhich, andout ofwhichhee drawethout matter oftentation, either toleadevs into euill,ortokeepevsinmill; noplace is free; no callingispriuiledged, no degree,no ageis exempted. Hismalice is endleffe, his policiesare daily multiplied, his deuifes and fleightsare without number. '7;, 3,rfè, Athirdvfe yetremaineth : My first vfe was, toprouoke towatch: my fe.. cond, todeclare inwhatparticulars weeare in danger : now the thirdfhailbe bEplaetr,xttodire& howtowatch. Wereade hthat there is acertaine armour to bee put on,when we addreffeour felues tothis Watching feruice, and that is a thing whichmutt bemenin reafon. Forwhat isa watchmanwithoutaweapon? well mayhe defcrie anddifcouerthe ememy, but he cannot withfland him. It!hall not be vnprofitable, 'nor vnfitting tofpeake fomewhat touchingthearmour to bevfed, asitisfet downein theparticulars byS . Pod ; Hecalleth it the Armour ofGod : whereashe calleth it armour, the word mull notbe taken litterallyor groffely, but in afpirituallfenfe,accordingasitisafpiriruallenemy whichwee haue to doewith. It iscalled Gods armour, becaufe it ishe bywhomwemutt hope tobe furnifhed therewith; outof his armory onlywenuflfeekefupply. The particulars aredefcribed inhis word, andthemanner ofputtingit on, and ofvfing it, is thereonly tobe fought. The fpecialtiesand fcuerallparcelsofit are let down inorder : I will name them and open them ina word. a Gwile ofTroth. Whichislincerityofheart, when amans heart and route is