Hieron - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.H54 S4 1624

Casteat,anda ComfortforEeleeuer44 61f is fetandbent in the fingleneffe thereof topleafeGod inall that isrequired. It isa fruit oftheSpirit which ought toacompanyamans whole conuerfatiou, that fohe may be found without fraud andwithout bypocrifie, both towards God and towardsmen. It requiresthat a man thoald nor be a profelforofreli. gion,inChewonlyand inpretenfe,but in decd,and in truth,being fuckan lfrar- 1 to indeed, in whom there is noguile.He that isbut anhollow Chriftian, for- mall only,and without, theDiuell will foone prenaile againft him:but he which laboureth toprose himfelfe to befuch an one indeed , as hewould teem to be by word and íhew,heis lure to fland fart ih thetwill day. s. Thebre4-plateefRigbteoufseQe,that is holines and vnblaineablenesofcon. uerfationauftly rearmeda Breafì-plate,becaufeit bcaresa manout again[# the (launders and falfe imputationsofcricked men. Thismakes a man bold m aLy- on 1, andnot to regard thebiting tongues of eùill fpeakers:as lob knowing his iprouss.tl owneinnoccncy, profeflednot toregard it5thoughanaduerfarythould write againfthim, earn awholebookeofaccufationsk, This gaseDaxidcomfor inkIob3i,gt; the middefhoftroubles, that he couldappealevnto(Sod, inhisvprightneffe, refpe&iuely to the things wherewithmencharged him 1. Oh,where amans 1pfaasa, heart isfa towalke withGod in all thewaitsofrighteoufneffe,henot willing. lypleafiug himfelfe inany knownwickednes , how (hall Satanvanquithhim, whatrefolutionthall he haue,andwhat comfartin his foule,when lie laboureth todifmay him? 3, Amesfhedaith thepreparatiodsfthe Odellofpeate. Thatis,a((uranceofac. ceptation and peacewithGod throughlefns Chrift, according cothat holy do- árfnt which isreuealedtovs in theGofpell. He that bath attained ro this, is likeone ready totake Journey, andisfit to gothrough hispilgrimageamidit all fpirituafttnemies, knowing that God who isat peace withhim, will behis guideanddeliuererfrom themall. 4. Shield offaith. That is a firmeperfwafion of the accomplifhtnent ofall Godsmercifull promifes; inhis Sonne for ourgood. Thisbeatenbackeallthe fierydarts ofsheDiuell;as,carnall confident,prefumption,fecurity,infidelityi diftrufhdefpaire.This isavi&ory againftthem all °. syryoga ,4; 5. The HelmetofSaluatioua. Aconllantdefire and expo&ationofthateter..stTIaws.; nail happineffe which God bath promifed. This futtaines, andbcares vp the heart againfi that fainti'ng,wisiehmight othetwifedifmay it,becaufeof the de. ferringof Gods promifes. 6. The SwordefsheSpirit. Which is theWord ofGod. This woundsSatana and cuts in (under thcknots ofthole fundry tentations ,by thewhich he fecketh toentangle. This difcouerethandbewrayethalibispolicies, withthis fword our Sauiour foiled thisenerny.,oppofing that whichwas written vntowhat-. marli4 foeuerhe fought toenfnate himwith. And thisefpecially aChriftian muff leek tobeaccomplilhtwith. Thereisnoreafon whichSatan litaltvfe,whereby eh. Cher todraw veto prefuming, or toworketo difmaiedïielfc, butby theScrip, ture the weaknes and inualidity thereof(hall fooneappears. Whatcolourable reafon forme (ballbeevfed toperfwade prefumption andfecurity, that one fpeechofSalomon isenoughagainflit:Ble edúthewoethenfeeretbalwaye. s Or ofPaul 7Vorkesmtyourfa/swim:with fe.ereandtremiláig, And whatfoeuer on the .ä.rs. other fide (ball beproduped andpreffed to the beating downeofthe foulevn. todefpaire, euen this (hall bee fufficient torepell it ; Cbriff .bed ieAwe waxthe eheefeoffiniree a : much more(ball a Maniac fenced,that labourethtò (tore him- r t Tia¡;asdr fclfewith that plenty which the Scripture ycelds : which hereor there bath fomewhat,tometre fullyanddirelywitheunry particular perfwafron, with whichhe (halt labour ro corrupt. Littlearemenaware, whataduantagc they gluevnto the Diuell by their ignorance and tarmac intheScripture. How is-atpoffible, but that hefhalleafilypreuaile9 Whenhe findsvs without this weapon i