Hieron - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.H54 S4 1624

6za e!ICaueat, and a Comfortfor Beleeuerr: weapon? which as Ihave fhewed, Chrifi efpecially made vfe ofin his graplieg, withhim in the wilderneffe. 7.Fraisr. This isit,which brings ablefngupon all the ref},and enablethvs through Gods mercy,to the comfortablevfe ofall the former. This then is that which is called theArmour ofgod, and thus muttcurry Chri. Iban labourtofurnifh and toprepare himfelfeagainftthe D uell. Firt},let him look toit that hisheart be vpright, andthat hebee free fromhalting inmatters thatconcerne hisfoule. Secondly, let himcare tobeoutwardlyfenced with an holy life, making confcience to walke in allthe walesofrigheroulnelîe in the fight ofGod. Thirdly,lethim labour lobe fhodwith anaffurance ofpeace with God, through theGofpell. Fourthly, inhis left hand, let get the Ibieldof faith,ftedfaftly riuing toapprehend and toapplyGods promues. Fifthly, in his right hand let him carrytheword ofGod fora fword.Sixtly,onhis head let turn weite the helmet offaluation, in the patient enpellarionof the glory to be(hewed hereafter. Laftly, let himioyne toall feruencyofprayer, by which all there(may be madeeffeetuall. Thus I hauein a fewwords openeda largematter, whichyet to thofe that arecarefull may be fufficient,if tothis now fpokenthey hail nethehelpe of privatemeditation. Now, this armour thus defcribed, is to beput on, and worn continually, weeuer confidering our felues howand inwhat manner we have the feeling andthe vie thereof. With thiswe Mould liedowne, with this wefhouldrife vp,and cary that curry day,andin all places,and whatfocuer wegoe abour,wemay Issueit with vn, as faras it is poffibie. For as the watch muff neuer be giuen our fo thisarmour appertaining thereunto,muf} neuer be putoff. Herenow Icould takeoccafiontofhew howvnfitwebegenerallyto grapple withSatan, how unable to make any comfortable refiftance in the day atria. I am perfwaded,thegreatef} part arefo fame from being thusarmed, as hath bin faid,that theymoltneeds confe(fe it tobe a thing which heretofore they hauefcarcely thoughtvpon.Thismatter is curls a mylleryonto many;and they will(hearingof it)goneere toanimeras they r; Webanenot henrdobether ' fAdstyp. therehag holyGbofó,srno. Thisis mens lamentable ignorance in things which concerne their foules. Befides, ifwe grow into an inquiry for particulars,how rare (hall we findeliscerity ofheart, holinesofconuerfation, feet (hodwith theright vnderl#andiugof the Gofpell ofpeace , theshield offaith , towit, the found knowledge , together with the comfortable and liuely apprehen. PionofGods promifes , a longingandCelled expe+,4ationofthe future happi. neffe.Where is thefwordofthe Spirit,whcnGodsword is by many fo little loo. Iced into,and fomany beas-great (rangersin ir, as thechildren yet enborn ? Where is feruencyofprayer,when there is fach fmall feelingofour wants,and fach (lender vnderftanding ofthe promifes of God to hcare our faits? No maruell ifSatan play Rexashimfelfelifteth. He is cunning, andweuìmple,he ftrong,weweake;hefubtile,wefecure;he furnifhed tomake varietyofaffaults, weutterly naked,withoutanypieta (iris much tobe feared) ofthe Armour of God. Ifwehadoneparcell thereof,we had all ; ifwebe without anyone,we haue none atall. Let vs prayunto God tobleffe our memories, thatwe may beam away thefe particulars , to bleffe our meditations,'that wee may rightly andprofitablydigel them,and to iliacvp and bleffe ourcare, thatwe may diligently pranife this dutyoffeeking , and labouring to putupon vs the Armour ofGod : fo thall Satanbevanquifhed, our felues comforted, andGod glorified byour trials. Thus hauelended this paet,whichI termeda word ofwarning. We fee we arebefetwith a dangerousand an vnplacable enemy : the more religious wee be and the more increafing in the gracesof God, the more again( vs is his malice. Hçtehençc we hauebern eahisttedto watchfslistfl,we cannot betoo vigilant