QICaueat,anda ComfortforBeleeuerr.. vigilant to ftand uponour guard againfi fuch an Aduerfary..Toquicken vs hereto fomwhac themore,we haue been lhewed his courfe ,and made acquain- ted with thegenerality of his praflifes, that we may fee there is no timeor placeforcarelcfneffe. And now lallly,becaufeto watch vnarmedwerevain, we haue been taught what armour we mull put on ; whichbeing taken to vs, andkin uponvs,it is poffib lefor vs tobe foiled, but we shall neuer bevanqui- shed; nay in the endwe fhall be more then conquerors, and the God ofpeace shalltread Satan wider our feete. And his winnowing, though it were in- tended onhis pa re , to disfutni(h vs ofall grace , yet (hall be fo bleffedofGod unto vs,that thereby his graces invs shall be broughtuntomore perfeetion. 7W,NON The fecond Sermon. - But I halmprayelftethee,thatthyfaithAdo nat. rFthe wordofAdmonition bathbeen fpoken thusfarte. Theword ofComlort followetis nownext tobe enquired into Eat Ihems prayed thatthy farrbfade mot. Thewordsneed no great opening: inhandling thedoetrine fpringing from them,I hope tomake all au plaineas (hall benecelfary. The Doetrine is thus : That all thepraffijrendendeememrs ofSatan, aremotable The iccona toemortbrowthe faithofads choler.. This pointof holy do8lrine , I thus teak d Doftriaeof out of thisText : That faith for thenotfailing whereof Chrill bath prayed,the theTear.. fame , the diuell can neuerbeable tooverthrow : but for the notfailing of the faithof all Gods chofen, Chriftkath prayed ; therefore thediuell doe what he can, (hall neuer be able to ouerthrow it. The lira part Of this reafon £lands upon this; That whichGod will vphold, Satan cannot vanquish; for Hee is greeter eke* allotbut that faith forthenotfalling whereof Chrifl práyeth , God aloha to.:s. will vphold. It is vnpoffible that theprayer ofChrifi should be in vaine, his :equefls cannot but fpeed. Avow, faith our Saulour, diréßinghis speech voto God theFat her, thatthembeareß tinealwaiet b : fothat Claus farre I pperfwademy b lohn tt.4sà felfe therecan be no doubt. liltmay beonce prooged,that Chrift bath prayed for the faithofall GodsElea, thatit may not faile; thenI am afforest the reft will beyeeldedvbtó,namely.that all thepower of hell cannot ouerthrowIt. Sothat therein, that being thefecond branchofmy reafon, I am tobellow somepains tomakeit deere, becaufetouching it, there may be fomequefli- tin; inasmuch as both thewordsof Chrilt, as may feeme, areonely toPeter, that his faith isprayed for that it may not falle : and the Papills altodoe la- bourbyall meaner tomake them peculiar to Peter , and from thence to raifa the doetrine of Peters fupremacy , andchiefly over the mil : Becaufe in the common dangerofall,fay they,Chri(l cloth flrengthenPeteronly : andwith- al! ; by thisthey recite toeflablifhan impollibility for-the Pope , to erre inof- fice, whom they fuppofeto bethe fucceffor ofSaint Peter,and to beewithhfm intereffedhere in a Priutfedge ofnot failing in any thing , which by vertueof hisoffice he flail performer Therefore Í will Chew, that whatfoeuer Chrift didhere begge forPeter , byname, thefame hedid requell forall the faithful!. Tomake that firme, thismay be asufficient reafon , That whichChris} asked for 6z;