Hieron - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.H54 S4 1624

62f ACaueat,anda ComfortforPeleetters. forall his faithful! difciples, the fame didhee craneof God forall trueBelee- nets :. but lookewhathe cranedhere for Peter , the famedidhe intreate for all his faithfull difciples,thereforehe erased it altofor alltrue beleeuers. The firftlimmeofthis reafon , is confirmed by that fpeechof our Sauiour, when he faith plainely , That the good things which he askedofGod forhis Difciples, he asked ofhim not forthem alone, but for all them, which fhould ,cleh.57.,,. through the worldbeleeaeiahim tbreagb their preaching e. If then Chrift praied for all his ele&Difciples,thar theirfaith mightnot £aile,he prayed the fame for allBeleeuers. Well,how !hall it appeare, that Chrift meant as'tnuch toall hisfaithfull dif_ ciples, ashedidheretoPeter ?Firtl,itisapparanthere, that Chrift gaue war- ning ofadanger bySatan, tothem all, tothe ref+ aswell as to Peter, Het kith deJredyaa. Howcan any man thinke , confidering thegreat loue ofChrift to hisDifciples, that hee wouldp in allofthem in feare, in regard of the diuela pra&Iles, and not alloput them all in heartbya wordofafurance, touching the perpetuity oftheir faith. The danger is foretoldto all, but the comfort re- firained toPeter,what fen(eis this ? Secondly, Waveexamine that prayer ofChriíl,whichhe made the night be- fore his fuftèrings, andin which it is out ofall queftionall the roll had equal( anterefi withPeter, we IlsaIh find thatour S,uiourin ir, in lenfe, thoughnot in wordsmade the famelute forthtm all, that he didfor Putt, brrr. Forwhat o.. ehertiling is intended then their perfeuerance to the end, in thofe particular re. dloh. s7. tt, quells; That the LardwouU kgepe:boao is hid name a : That. bee wouldAP Ol /etbeae e yer417 withbis tratb e t Thefeare allone in effe&with that here ofthe not failingof faith : For he whomGodkeepes in his name, and fandifieth withhisTruth, thefamefaith cannot be ouerthrowne. Yea (butwill it be raid) if this prayer ofChrift werenot peculiar toTeter, why isitdeliuered in fucha fort, with fuchwords ofrefìraint , Sigma, Sims, t Will you haue thereafon in a word? Chrift fore rawat this time , that Peter was to finnemore then thereft,and fo to beingreater hazard then the tell; and therefore wouldneed a morefpeciall fuccour then the refl. As then a goodfa- ther,hauingcare ofall his children, if he fee Comeone ditirelfed aboue the ref+, will tender and chearevphim more fpecially:Or asa Phyfitian wilhing good to the whole body,yetappliethhisphihcke principally to theparts ill affe&ed: foChriil,though hisrefpe&s were to all,yet inafmuch as Peter:cafe was like to be fuch, as would moilneed comfort, therefore he applied the comfortable falue ofGods allured fauour,to hisgriefeefpecially. And therefore it is well noted againft the Papifts,which thinkethis place tobe fo fingular forPetnmfu- premacy , that Staplers,. faith: leisimpoffibleto (Lift it off with any colour of <cauils,that therewords doenot pronePetertohaue been in anygreater dignity thenthe refi,only they(hew it to be true,that he was ingreater danger. I willnot fpend time now in canuafing thispoint about Peters head.lh ip, or in the derivationthereof, ifany fuchwere, from him tohisfuppofad Succeffors the RomanBifhops; I haue chofes this text foranother end, then the debate. ment of that matter. ThisonelyI fay inawordwith learnedFalkg, in his Con. fatation oftheRhswifis notes,thatall theLogick in the world,can neuerproue hence the Popes fupremacy, orany filch priuiledgeof oterring, asis preten- ded. Papifts themfeluesacknowledge, thata Popemayfalle asa man, and bee withoutfaith,and fobe damned: butforfooth in officecannot as aPope:where.. as this (peech ofChrift wasmorespecially touching Peters,notfailingas a par. titular Chrihian, then as an Apoftle. For hedothnot fomuch vnderltandhere byfaith,thedoftrine offaith,as whowould fay, that Peterin matterof teach. ing fhouldnot erre;but here efpecially was intended, thatfaith by whichPeter was engrafted intothe my(ücall body ofChrift Iefus, which we call a Caning faith,