Hieron - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.H54 S4 1624

eilCaw, 4nel a l omfórtfor Beleeuen. 6Z; faith, a renuingor a regenerating faith : and Chrift meant, that though Satan fhould endeauour to lift ontall gcódies fromhim , yethe lhould continuein the fiateofgrace and faluation to the end. So that this can make nothing at all for their purpofe, which acknowledge that a Pope may be a reprobate, or an heretique,which yet Chriftpromifed could never be true touching Peter. Thus haue Ilaboured to remoue all lets , whichmghr hinder in Ibew the tailiingof this Do trine from thisText. The truth is, there is no more reafon why this fpeech thus direfted to Peter,fhould beheld peculiarto him, then that whichGod Paid to lofbaat; fade tbee, (houldbe appropriated to him /Chap.t.v alone;which yet notwith(tending theApolble applieth to all Chrif iana s. IftheSIieb.134. Apoltle might embolden all Chriflians to lay hold vpon that fpeech ; why fbould it not be lawfull to apply this toany child ofGod,whom Satandelirerh tofife, and to fhake as he did `Peter, Brofgoodcomfort, Chrift barbpritiedforthe: that thyfaithfeile not ? It is ordinary to apply common comforts to foreparticular perfons, as oc- cation is, whichapplication to particulars ball noelet, but that the matterfo applyed , belongethofright tomore then tothole, towhom for the prefent rt isapplied. When Chri(t applied the Do&tine offorgiuene(feof frns,to the man ficke ofthe Palfey, Sonthyfinsareforgiuea theeh: (hall thatpreiudice the liberty hMad+,g,a that is for euery Beleeuer , to layhold vponthe Do&tineofthe retniffion of fnnes,for his fpeciall comfort .> Thus 'till I hope, it appearethmore and more , to be vprightly collefted hence, That thefaith ofalltraeBoleerter,ievnaangaßdble. Chrift hull prayed for all his , that theirFaith maynot faile : neuer washe denied by his Father any fine. Ihaue been the more diligent in istbifying thisplace, to be the ground of thisDo &rine,becaufeas it isabufed by Papifts,and ingroffedby them for Peter only,and hisimaginary fucceffors; to ifthis be cleer'ed once,tabe the Dadtrine ofthefe words, asI hopenowit is, it may ferue in (lead ofmany proofes,con- fidering theplainnesofit, and that it fpeakes(as it were) dire&lyto theheart and fouleof curry true and found Beleeuer : Sethanwillljeet ithee towinnow thee, halfhawprayedthat thyfaithfadenot. Now neat, though this place mightbe fufficient, yet becaufe theharmony and content of the Scripture, cannotbut bevery contenting in a point foex. ceedingly comfortable as this is, therefore I will adioyre fomewhat therein. Thisthen is theeffe&ofthnt WhichI will labour to makeplaisw. That ifaman be once through the mercy of God becomea true Beleeuer, a man endued with that faith which the Apoltlescall vnfeinedi, and inanotherplace, The i stítu.a4, faith of Godt Eleíia, fiftedby Satanhee maybe, but vanquifhedhecan neuer Crit.r=t, be, his perfeuerauce is certen , his eftate andcondition is vnalterable. I may wellput here in the front of this ptoofe, that promife of Godmadeofold vn- to hispeople, Iwiltmakeanweerlaffíngcoaenant with them , that ¡ wiLl neuerturns away fromthem ,to doethemgood, batIwillpat myfeere in their hearty, that they /hall sinedepart frommet.Vpon whichwords,that glo(fe.of differs isexcellent:What Lier. 3à46i isthis; faithhe, but as ifGod had faid, The fate ofoie Which I lisaItput into 055 40 o,Peelt° their hearts, fhall be fuchand fógreat, that they Chanadhere , and clean,: dote aer.cap.z, to Me,tam to theend. This is anotableplace ,to (hew that Godwill not fuffer thole eaer todecline from him,whom ithash once pleated him trulyto conuert unto. him. Hew cloth theScripture abound with fp'eeches, dirc&ly teflify ing the per- feneraneeofthe faithful!? Theywhichtraff in theLord,/hallbe as merit Sion, which m Pfal, #i.fa; cesas:be remoaed ¿tit .. They arefheepe,wh eli none can plecke out ofthebands ofmy n Iob,to. un, Farber, faith our Sauioura they are asahoefe, which nollermesor wages can Neer- a Mach.7.zg, throw o, Chofesones, whom itisimpoffibleto reduceP: They arekeptby the power Pnn.}.z ofGod, throagh faithunto fabiation n, They are refereoedveto lefes Chrrfl r, They r Iudes, L /I art