Hieron - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.H54 S4 1624

6z6 .e (Caueat, and a ComfortfrrBeleeuers.' ÍEphel:4;o. arefealedb4theholySpirit ofGod veto thedayofredemption I, They /hallnot betetap_ a t Cor.roa; red obesethat tinyare able to bears', though they fall, they fiat notbee away carp a Pfa1.37.as, downs:for theLord vpbaldeththemwithh4: baud". Doe not there things abundantlyprouethe perfeueranceofBeleeuers?W filch way should the FleetofGod be depriued of their faith ? Godwill notwith. uI,m.c.,7, drawit, forwithhim ti,,,, bco /hadou Themere wherewith hebath y15.54,8. compaffionon his Éleft,irexerlaf wer:fois his lowe. Thofe gifts ofhis which ¡Ro ''¡j accompany an effeftuall calling,rre witbsxtrepo:mace : that is, theybe fuch,of iLukeB,ta. the conferring wherebf,Godneuerrepenteth :nay,hee rather addes moregrace to his children,then takesought from them b. Well, as Godhimfelfe will not withdrawthatgiftoffaith , whichhe bath oncebellowed, whereupon the graces ofGod, whichconcernefaluatioa , are eIoh.y.r4. laid to belike.. lagwater, that canneuerbedrawnedeles, fo the Diuell can- not extinguid, it. Hewill indeedendeavour it, as was (hewed in the former Sermon,buthispower isabridged t Greater ie he thatie inyox,tbea he that is isthe dtIoh..y, World a. Neither can the corruption ofGods children bee ableto put out the eRoma light of faith which is in them. Nothing fhallfeperate from the loreof God, which f9' it inCbrifl Leliaour Lord'. The childrenof God are taught topraytoho,define- redfrom mill: that is, that euill though it aflaylethem, yet it maynot conquer them. Why le thisrt! edofgod, fhebe notboth ableandwilling to bellowit ? IfGod will frPcc.S .to. definer his children iron, esili; ifhe will confirms, ffrecgthen,and flablfh them r, Z Phila,ó* rid performethegoodwerke whichhe pathbegin in thews, howcan it be that they fhould lofe their faith? I know not any one point wherein the Scripture ismore plentifull then in this Varietyof proofe I haue already alledged : Ifit werene. cefl'ary,much more mighteafily be produced. //Luke8.r3 Thus in a word:Itis the marktofhypocrites,that theydetente/mgforawhile hi It muff needs then be the portion of thofe that beleeue aright, that their faith is perpetuall. The wicked indeed paffèthae thewhirlewiode, :credit nomore: beaks ¡Preu. ma!, rigbum it anexerit:11mg f.eendation i. Truth it is , that if the childrenof God floodvpon their owns perfonall Ilrengeh,theirperfeuerance might very well be doubted of: but theyareirgraf_ 1t ROM. 6,1, federgo Chrefik, and fo as the Apolllefpeaketh vpon another occafion, Theroots /Rom. t,.ts, benoth them , and north!), the roote l : Their faluation dependeth not on them. w a Tim.a.t9. felues , butit is bailttie in the fexndatiex ofthe Lord which remainethfare.. They whichare Floated in thehoofs ofthe Lord , Roxrifhin the martsofear Gad , andbring IOC9s.13,14 forth fruitintheir ages. Otherbranches may be pulled away fromfheir.flocks either by violenceofwinde, or forceofmans hand, or atlaft confumedby length oftime: Withthem thatareinChritl, it cannot beto, they keepenot him,but arekept by him ; and from this ftableneffe,whicls ¡sinhim, proceeds their firmnetfe. ichangenot, faith theLord, undth:,ie the reafex,thatyoxJanetof oM,1, ;.6. Iambaren,, ceofxmeda. How confidently dothS.Pral fpeaketouching his per. p,Rom.8. ;8. feuerancee? I knowwhom I homehelmeted, andIamperfwadcd thatlee ie abletekeep u thatwhich Ihamcommittedtebins agriafl thatday q : TheLordwill dtlixer mefrom es Ttm.4,s8 emery millworks, andwill preforms meveto bishearten!kingdoms:. Shall we make Paulo cafe herein tobe fingular, and thinke this may be true of him, butyet not the portionofeuery true beleeucr ?Why? Faith is Mall theEle& ofGod,ofthe fame common nature: and if it be the natureof the faithofone belceuer , tole-. cure him forthe time tocome , iris in the nature of euery one that hath faith alfo: andwhat comfortwereit tors, toheart ofPaul:affuranceofhis perfcue.. rance,ifitbe taughtvs,thatwe mull ftillbe doubtful'in thatbehalfe? Wemay admire Paul: happineffe but with fmall content , whenwe are put outof all hope topartake withhim therein: fRom.B Paul tas he fpeakes with fuchconfidence touching his future ensue, refol. wing