Hieron - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.H54 S4 1624

eCaue4t,4nda Corn or'tforBekeuers 627 wingvpon it, that nothing fhould bee abletodefeat himof that happiheffehe waited fork So inthe beginning of that difcourfe , he proptountls a general DoEtrine,vvhich cotrcernesallwhichart nChoit !As.: Touching whomthis hedeliuereth, that totbem there issocondcmnatios rrowheproucsthishy 'his owne exampleatlarge, &o ? W hereupoh Iinferre'S' thatwhatféeuerPaul re- ported thereofhimfelfe is not fingular,that is,fuchas'whcreinordinary beleéa uers are not interreffed withhurt ; forthen to whatend is his experienceand example brought in asaproofe for aDoetrinewhichconcernesaïi?.Gerteuly it is the condition andElate of all true b' eleeners , That neither height:ser depth, norany ether Creatures can feperate them from the lone efGeedwhich is'»zChr -lefué wow Lord'.Fut Iñaymy felfin this;it wereno hard thing tobepletitlfatl in tfiduVecfe.;çj enlargement ofthis proofe- Therebe Come thingswhich arevfunlly, obieftedbyfome agairaftthisDo- obie?üonsa- arine:whichitihall notbe amule tomake anfwre to. 2g ìáft -eh °'' s. Iris faid,that thereare diuers fpeeches inScripture;wherefalling and fdrsDoadne, an ; faking,andthingsofthelikenaturearethratnedtothefaithfull,andthefxìetweredr 4. calledvpon to foreand care , fuels asfeerne'toargu : a pof ibility of fida,ll-lbj r.Obtedion. lingall gracewhich they haue once receiued. Forexamplesfake; Let himrliäi thicketbedtandr,ts e, heed leftbefall..Be sot high minded burfeare,&rc r:'uesehWin r Cor,re.ra the Spirit z. Worke oayearSalsatipa with fear andtrembling.. Now-to whaterïdy R °`.".' i'' z ° arethefe fpecches,if the faithfull cannot fall,foas to lorethatfaith,withwhich i nwr.say. a. hiLu.ta. they haue been once endued? I anfwer thus : That whatCoruer Godworke:< Arjw. in,and for the faithfull, he workerh it bymeases. As he will continue them in faith , and keepe them in the Elateofgrace : fo he will doe it by a courfet and one fpeciall incases, by which hepreferues the faith ofhis children, is fuchex= hortatious as this,by which(hebiding themvnto them,)he preuents fecttrity; and filtresnpcare ofvfng all goodmeanerconfecratedby him,bywhich they maybe vpheld ingrace, and buildedvp in faith. So thatthefeadúertifenrents doe not prefuppofe the falling awayof GodsEleft: but are purpofely:vfed thewifdome ofGod topresent the farne. The prone that we inour felues may fall, and had therefore need tò refölue withDauid,That it isgoadfor vs todraw etheeto Gedb,but they doenot arguethe b Pfal.73., purpofeofGod to fullerto fall, but rather the contrary: forwell may wefay; that ifGod would forfake, he would never fooftencall vpon hischildren to (land fall. z. Many true beleeuers hauefallen and failedgreatly : as David in the mat-2,t,6417. terofVriah,Peterin thebufineffe ofdenyinghis Mafter:fhall itbethoughtthat thefeloft nottheir faith,whenthey committed fuch foule offences?How could faithand fuchgrolle euils,best once togetherin the fame men? Ianfwere di- reetly;thatneither Peter norDaaid loll theirfaith quite inthofe their falles.We mull carne to diflinguifhbetwixt the beingoffaith,and the workingoffaith: Faithmay be, where it doth notworke. There may belife in the root ofa tree, thoughin thewinter feafon the famebe without both !cafe, and fruir. Ina mans body there maybe life, althoughfor theprefent beingin a fwound, he doth neithermoue norbreathe;liketo that, whichPatel faid ofEntiehm,felting from the thirdleft , and taken opdead: Ills life is ishim.. Ina dry rummer there a Alts so. to. may be a fecret fpring ofa Well in the earth, thoughnot fo muchas adropof water doe flowfrom it :So there maybea certes feedoffaith in a Chriflian,e uenthen when by fomegreat temptationhe is ouercome and failedintoagrie- uous fiu.Sothenit is true, faithdid not workeinDavid when hecommitteda- dultery.Itwas not powerfulin Peter,whenhe denied hisMafler:but yetthe re. coueryofboth argueth that there remained,asT heophilal faithoutof Chrjfofl. Luké z: touchingPeter;tbebiddenfeedsoffaithwedgram isthemboth. No boner was Da- uidthroughly dealt withby Nassban,bathe cried out, Mauefrmedd.No fooner ds Sam.tv:3 Lll 2 did