Hieron - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.H54 S4 1624

ellCaaaeat, anda Comfirtfor Beleetterl. 6z! weakneffe in the extremity ofperfecution failein the profeffion andfhew of faith, not daringto Phew themfelues openly robe that which they are : partly afro it may be taken for that, which is butfaith onely in name and inopinion, andwhich is a =ere titular faith; and no more faith indeed,then a coarfe front which the Conic is departed,isaman. There beTome as,Auguftiaefaith, that doe ratherimaginethen belerae.Nowof csgitant petiú filch kind of faith, thedoarinewhich I banehandled is not ; forfuch mayva- gaanci 4nt. nifh,nayindeed fuchcannot continue: but when we fpeake offaith,as it is the grace ofGod,whichmakes onewithChrift,it can neuer bedearoyed, neither Bothany ofthofe placesproduced fpeake,offaith inthat fenfe;na,yin oneof the places, PAN' puts adiftin&ionbetwixt thofe whore faith he fpeakes of, and the faith and flareofGods chofen', as Mamma and Plateruedo&rinedefireyedthe, Tím, á,t8; faithefeertame: it pleafedGod togiueour louse tobe deceiued by them t but 9. yet howfoeuer,the foandatibnofrbe Lardremansetb fare,andhashthisfeale,the Lord knowetbwho are big; allthis while theele& ofGod werefafe,they were fofurely built,that it wasnot poflible for them to mifcarry. A fifthobiettion. This do&rineisaccufed, tobeado&rineofidleneffeand 5,Obiebf' prefumption : forifaman having faith cannotlofe it,and beingonce in the Rate ofgrace, cannotfinallybecatout of fauour, whyfhouldhe flare to tommit anylinnet fordoe he what hewill,God will notmica him.W hat need he bind himfelfe toany courfeof holinelle,or Ofdiligent vfrngfuchthings asappertaine tobuildingvp ingodlineffe? inafmuchas his condition is vnalterable,he isfute ofbeingfaued whatfoeuer come. It is true,in the iudgement ofcorrupted-nature,this maybe a verygood en- Anfree. ducementto take liberty of finning, inafmuchas there is no poffibilityof lo- ringfaith; neither willSlay, butat a rime a child ofGodmay be egged on by his ownheart,vpon that ground to giuean aduenture.But it is certáin,ehatfuch ananoofprefuming,or ofgivingonesfelfe ouee toa diffolurecourfe,or ofneg- le&ing thecare ofholineffe, cannot beare fway there, where faith is. Marke what isfaid,Tbatfiamefhdloooe hamdominion oxathefr,whichareby faith engraf- ted intoChriflf.Theywhichareinn:fedby faith,areca&dofCadinto the flarefg00- ,4' ofgrace t, and they which arecoded arefanslofted'. Howare they fan&ified,ifagow.ta9,;n they wallowin fecutity? How is theta/le-gareft&heart a, ifit lease behind in atude r. &c. amans bowels fuch groffeneffe? how is'it ourvifaayr, jilt fuffer vs tobede- Attsn.ta. taf nedin bondageof filchadiffoluteeuill? It is the marke oftheworfi men, and VAil i0 9 foeh as flail be (wept awaywith the wrathandvengeance of Godat hiscom.y t Iohu 5.4. using; tobe lulled afleepein fecurity, gluing themfelues overto the feruiceof finne,eatingand drinking, andknowing nothing, íntill they are taken like .a bird in a Marev. Howcan this thenbe the flare ofbeleeuers? Will God fuffer çMath.24;38; his to fall intothat, which they are left veto, whoare ofold ordained to de- flrn&ion. He thatis atrue beleeuer,knoweswhat God requireth ofhim:and the more fenliblehe isby faith ofGods loue to him, themore will hiseat-nett delirebee toglorifie hisname by aholybehauiour. It cannot be denied,butPawl was re- foluedofhisfuture eftate, and ofhisperleuerance in graceVino theend 1 but who euer mirediligent,who more precife, who moreconfiasein the fludÿof holineffe? Itwas his endeauourtohone alroaiesacleareéonfirence toward God, and towardmss' ; at washismanner re6eatedownhis body, ands, bringit intofabìsfk- a Aftsi4.1d; oab : be fergatethatwhiebmae behind, aadeudeauo,redhimfelfe setathatwhich was b t Cor'y°'s7' befere, andfamedbardtowardtbemarle, fatheprifeofthe highcallingofGadinCirriflcPlril.I lefru t: his mannerof/firing wasexamplard.Hisexample is anabundant proofe, d'. .3.tsà that the affuranceofperfeuerance,dothnot naturallyglue lifeandbeing topre- fumptiou: Nature perhaps will fay,Letvscontinue infinne,thatgrace mayaboamd, This is thatLogickeoffiefhandbleed a: but grace will replie, Howwarm that L 1 I 3 are