Hieron - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.H54 S4 1624

63o ofCanna, andaCornfortforBeleeuers. fVerfoa, are hadtofr,mylixe yet therein!'i Looke what inferences vntoholineffe the fpitit of Godenforceth outof affurance ofGodseternal! faucun, andofenioying his promifes:Ifyau cdlhixt Faber,&c.thas is,ifyou haste receiued the fpitit ofádop. tion,and by it upon good tearmescal God your Father,p4ethetimeefyoxrdwel- ling hereinfeare. The moteyou apprehend hiatusbeyourFather, themoredo ç t Pet. r. 7. you (cateto offend him S,Seeing the haze tbeprem./is,faith Pax,havingreferente to chofe afore,inwhich God had faid, Iwilt beFather vetotoo, axdyefballbemy b Cont.!. fennelanddaxgbters,let soelenfe oarfamesfromallfrltbine&eofthefiefl,andfpirit,axd finifb norfanta:ficatran is, thefeareefGodh. TheScripture is full in this kind: I'hauc been large in thehandling ofthis do&rine :firfl,becaufe itis plentiful!: the Word of God abounds with reafons andarguments to confirmeit.Second. ly,becaufe it is comfortable,it is the groundandflorehoufe ofall true confola. riot]. Thirdly,becaufe therebe diners exceptionsmade again£t ir,which for the floppingofthe menthesofgain- fayers,andfot-the fatisfa &ionofal thofewhich (rare God,it wasneceffary toexplane.The femmeofall is,Tbae thefaith ofGad: Elea, trueprongfaith,caneexer, eithertotalllyorfina«ybeexúngnilbed. FoylingitIs aectrd, fubie&vino:but not failing.it maybewhereit doth not work&, it maywork Gran, where it isnot perceiued, a man mayenjoy it that complaisesin bitterns of fpirit,thaihecannot feele kJ-fencecame that layingofAxguf,ne,tbat emerysigb. 8og'efrvella, team max, vnderftanding bya righteousman, aman iuftified beforeGod by fed=svelte= Chrifl,ir mare6lefdthex.Adamtand hisreafon is,Adam hadpower,if Inc would; p.fe but nota will tobe able to pelf@ ingoodsbut as for themthatare by faith en- graffed intoChriff, they haue both abilityand will: they hauea definegiuen them tocootinugánd are able alto to continue totheend. Let vs cometo the vie. The i.*. Firfi hereby isouerthrowne that Popifh opinion, the leauenwhereof bath fowred forcealto which inmher maine things do vtterly diffent from Poperie: towit,thatnoman in this world,vnleffe it be byforce fpedali revelation canbe alluredof his perfeuerance and continuance in the flareof graces That a man may fall from the fiateof ele&ion,into the conditionofa reprobate :Beingnow in Chrilà,hemay bevtterly cut offfromChrill,he may fallfrom grace,he may lofethe (pink of God,andbe quiteand Beane without faith. Such potionsas thefeare ordinary in the Papifis writing :and force others (asI Paid) differing elfe fromthem , yet doe communicatewith them in theft errors: Errors I may fafdy call them, beingfo contraryto thatdo&rine which bath beenhandled andprooued out ofthisText, touching the perfeueranceof the faithful!, and the vnalterable conditionof chofe whom the fpitit of Got! bathonce tamed. How canthat faith falle, for which Chriffbath prayed? May a man know he bathfaithindeed? Nodoubt hemay: why elfeare weexhorted totryexrPlods iaCor.t ;.ç. whetherweare in thefaith i. If aman maybealuredhehath faith, hemay beaffu. redaffo that his faith (hallholdout tothe very end : vnleffe hewillmakedoubt ofthe efficacy ofChrifisrequefl.And finely , if it weretrue which is heldby Tome, That aman beingoncetrulyinChrifi,may be againequiteout ofChrik andfoaltogether inthe flareofnature againe, asifhe hád neuer been conuer- ted,then therewill follow anecelfity nib fecondBaptifrie. Baptifine is the Sacrament ofour engrafftng intoChrifi, ofourinitiation,or entrance into Religion: if then a man fall fofarre, that beeiswholly festered from Chrill,f:a ll itnot be neceffary inhis recouery,forhim tobebaptized?For howelft(ordinarily)fhall he become slimofCbrifl? This isanvnauoiable ab. furdity whichfolloweth this do&rine. I may addehereto,how this weakneth thecomfort ofa Chriflian.Much adoe hehash togetfaith. Alas I, what a gniefeand aheart.breaking to him isit, to be taught that heno loaner bath it buthe may byandby lofe it?new bee is in the