Hieron - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.H54 S4 1624

ACalmat, and4Comfortfor Beleeaers. 6331 the Rate of aneleâ, flee beinasbad a taking as ludo, or any reprobate to morrow, What kindof doârine is this? How cloththis fort with the general I aimeof theScripture;which is, That iee throughpatience andsosafort might havehope'? But klam. tt.4. thus is Popery a doârineofvnfetledneffe: it trainethvp the foules ofmcn ina perpetual' fufpence; they would haue the people to beLure of aothing,neither ofthe matter tobe believed ,norofthemfelucs,wbetherer no they d:cbolecue as it is necettary. Akindofhope they will allow them,which(as c hey coaceiue it)isakindof blind gueffe without certainty. z. Here isan excellent matter ofdire&ion forvs , what thing efpeciallyro The z:Yu make choifeofWhat fhonld we rather Peekand delire,t hen fuck a goodwher_ of we cannot- be depriued. See howvainelymen bellow all their care about thingsof no continuance ,Honour,Riches,Pleafure,tbings ofnocontinuance. Honour, a mere buble, aswe fee in that glorious Courrier Haman: to day the fecond in a kingdome; werfe then the verieft flaue, cues ene adjudged to the gallowes to n.orrow.Riches bathwings:either we aretaken from them,or theyfromvs,euen in a moment;Ths nightwilltbeyfetch thypole from thee! e They lLuke ta.zg. cannotpreuaile lutist day ofwrath.. As forpkafure,whatmore tranfitory? Eves¿ peon n: irelau hter the heart sfarrorefall. Whywill menbe mad vpon chofe thingswhich nprou.rq,.i4 . are lghterthen nvanity itfclfe? Thty be all aswater, vpoawhich rIre fallera man clafpeth his hand,the foonerit is gone. Oh that we might all carnal}, labour after faith, and ° chuff-eau betterpart, This brings with it all hofe things whichwe fonsruch affeì. WouldweHo- oLuke t.-4s nour?what greater then to hejoanasofGodinChreR?And this Bothfaith e.' pGa13.a6. Wgold we Riches ? what comparable to Sprrituallblcfingris !gauntlythings and theft brings faith,inafmnch as it brings Chriff.,whom he whichbath once giuen, cannotbutmtth himpateAll things alfil. Rom.& : Would wePleafure?whatlikethis ,ToknówonesNametobewritteainFlea` ; . steal And this is allofrom faith : for faith isaccompanied with the prefence.of Gods Spirit, which bearesmitmiewith ourfrarit, that wearetht children ofGod t. rRoar.s.r6, Oh that wecould fell all to buythis Iewell;and cuen,asit were negleâ all, till wewerelure we were indeed pofiifedof thistreafure. Thirdly, out of this doârine is derivedmatterof infinite and vnfpeakable Tye ,.'Jfa. comfort Forall that truly teamGod. How great and how violent, the malice and fury of Satan is agamft all fuchwe heard before. He will nor folic to doe the ,ttrrmoB that Hell can eithermuent or execute, for the throwing them downe from that happy eflatetowhich the Lord hathraifedthem, Well May aman tremble whenhe thinkes on this fimply : for whoare we,that we thould beabletoencourter luckan enemy?But beholdhere aRocke of comfort. This is like thatflrongTower,which Salomonfpeakethof,towhich therighteoaefecund useexalted(' . WehaueanAdaocatewiththeFather, lefts, Chrifttherighteous;¡Psou.is,to.; andhe maketh continual) requeR mom behaife,thatour faithmaynot fatir. Thou wilt (perhaps) fay to nie; I cottfeffe thiswere a notable comfort, ifI were fare that I were oneof thofe forwhom Chrifi is a futer : but hereinI am doubtfull.I demand of thee,hlalhthOuany truthoffaith? Canft thou tell whe. ther that begun in thee, yeaorno ? So farceasdaithgocrh,fofarre the intereB into this priuiledge goeth. Butbecaufe I know thou wilt not be fo refolued, therefore I will declare a lurecourfe, by whichthou maiet be rcfolued herein, that thebenefit ofthis prayer,for the not failingoffaith permises to thee. Examine thy Idlefor twothingsrFitft,Acoflfta0tlh of making this request vntoGod inprayer forthy felfe,That theLord wouldvouchfafe fa toeflabli(h thee in grace andgoodnelfe, that thy faith may neuer faile,but continue firme and lure into the end. Tomake good this that hay (that I L maynot glue afalledireftion)knotw