Hieron - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.H54 S4 1624

632,' 11Caueat, aaada ComfortforBeleeuers. know,Thatloókewhat graceGod intends to beftowvpon anyman,vnto hint he nines a defireand care to begge the fameat his hands in Chrilts Name. tulsh.zo.u6. When he intends to gins meknowledge,he will gins mea"situ tokuemr,He rrPfI, rt , veil make me to pray withDauíd; 0gluemenuderflaadrxge Teach taiegoad irdge- 3¢,66, towarrdknewledge °..When hemeanestogills mefaith ,he will tlirremevpto prayfor faith. Whenhe wil! pre recut me fromtentation, he will fecretly pro- uokeme to cry tohim,thatmy faith may bekept farefrom tentations. Againe,this is alfo a true point, that there two thingsdoe flit' goe together: The interceffionofChrftinheauen; and theworke ofhisSpirit inour hearts, , niouing vs toasks thgfevery things,whichhe crauethof God on our behalfe. xRom,a. Andthereforexhewhichinoneplaceisfaidtomakerepsefffervs ,islaidina. y verb54, nE, nother, to giuevs hisfpirit to helps our iuf:rmitiet Y. So then, laskethee,Doeft thouconfider often how furioufly Satan isbent againft Gods children doelt thou recount with thy felfe, how unable thou for thy part art to make refi. fiance? doeft thou feeand bemoanethe weaknelfe and fcantnefreofthy faith ? doer{ thoucontinually pray vnto Cod,and euenbegge of him inChrifls name, thathewould helpe thy vnbeleefe,that he would confirmeand ftáblifh thee fo, that thy faith may neuerbe removed? This isan evidence to thy route, that the práyer ofChrift belongethveto thee;and that thegates ofhell fliali neuer pre- uaileegainft thyfaith:thisisa familiar marke, Doubdeffe, thereäsnofaihat all,where this lute is not often even gropedout veto God, That faith may not beovercome. Secondly,diligence in the vieof themeanes ordained byGod,for the flatten- rationand increare offaith. 1-fere isafroa rule like the former. Will Gad giue me any fpirituall good; he will glue me an heart to vfe all good meanes for the Hofae; attainement of that good; Nowthe meanen tokeepefaith from falling, are efpecially theWord and Sacraments. TheWord builds vpFurther, and makes togrow vnto moreperfe&ion, The Sacraments are [cafes of righceoufn_lfe, and ferne to ftrengthen our apprehenfion of the loueof God in Chrill !situ, .Thereforefound beleeuers hauebeen alwaies careful! in the ereof thefe two. The wordbath beendeareveto them,ir bathbeen theioyand reioycing oft heir heart; they haue delighted to bears it ; it bath beenacomfort to them to con- ferre abouttit, and tomeditate in ir. The Sacramentshone been frequented by them:that ofBaptifine, thóugh receiuedbut once, yet appliedoften : that of the Lordsfupper,they hauebeen frequent viers of. Readeandobferne the Scripture, andyou tha!lfind it fo. So then, art thoua diligenthearer? a reuerentandoften repairer toGodsboard? delighteft thou in theft holyexercifesofGods houle? laboureft thou toprofit by them, and to find iweetneffe in them? it isa good figne,that the Lórd willpreferuethyfaith, to whom hepath given care tofeeke and labour tovphold it. Thus Ihave taught, howweemay comfortably applythis comfortabledo., &rine. Therefhall be nodanger ofgiving way to prefumption by teaching thispoin,thefe markes being annexed:for ifthefemarka ieant,thytareisdap- lgereus; thou canf{notfay thouhaft faith, norpromifeto thyfelfe any vifory again[{ the diueli. Thefpirituall