..,..,. -v-r-r nt r-+rr.+r t`_4i' m,rao ,,,j,,,-... sr :.0/ ,. - To the\Vorshipfull,Rel- Mous andVertuous Lady, theLadyMar- garet YeluertonWife to the much honoured, Sir Henry7eluertonKnight, the Kings At- turney Generall,continuanceofall happincfre. Madam, 0fooner came this Sermonuntomy hands, (the(...dither whereofforhis approuedzeale,worthily defiraed the. Ti- tleofan eminent Light and Ornamentofour Chrirch) then lvowedtheDedicationthereofvnto yourLadifhip; Wgrmay itfeeme unworthy yourfauoúrableacceptance (the principali aime ofmy ezpel-lance) in regardofthat jugular teflimony which allmen that hauebeenconuerfant inbit works, eh giue ofthe LAutbor,being fachaone,as neither affellion couldcorrupt, nor affeclation tranfjoort;butofthatSpirit,as he waszealous with agoodconfci- snce,makinghumility his pathtoglory,in aword, (MadamhisformerLa- bours (now reducedintoOne Volume haitebeeneuer countenanced by fme.a choice Patrons : Normay this(beingequal/ withmoll ofthe rell)claimeleg prerogative then the refs. rhuewifhingyou that benefitforwhichit wasin- tended,to theglery ofGod,wbereto it isdireiled, t refl, Your Ladifhips refpel iuely,