63 THE Spirituali Fifhing. Text. Lake y. rerf. to. The laft words ofthat ver/ee, Henceforth thou¡halt catch Men. 0222_C: Hereasheere ourSauiour tranflates this phrafe ,se of w _t. s; F,f?ind,orcatching,froman ordinary& in- feriour courfe.vntoa more heavenly an fpi_ ritte til bufaneßë,eurn to thewinningoffoules, o it gives very dire&oçcafion to handle theft > things: Firft, the flateofthe World,whichis as the Sea. Secondly, the flare of the Church, which is y oe > -oe e as a Shipor Boate in the Sea: . Thirdly,the Hateofinen by nature, who be as Fifhes,r aging after thei ownedifpofition,vncaught. Fourthly, theDate ofMtn flurs,whobeas.fifhers. FifcIy,theHite ofthe Go.pellpreached, which isthe hooke, or baize,ó net to-take foules. Thefe things are not f }rainedorforced,butarife Out of the placedire&y. For fich Peter pad the reOmufichange their convie, and fall toanewkind of Fifbieg; what is theSea which they mull lanch out into, but the World? What is the Boate,but t!+e Church in which they labour, andto which they fecke to gather foules? What is thebooty theymac feekefor,butthe formes amen? An what arethey butfo manyFifhers ? Orwhat is their net, bat tiheGofpell, théword ofSsIllation which they preach? Of curry of thefe I will ipeakc í aer.e:h(ng,and that briefly. That the it,tc ofthe World,is as the Sea,iris plaineby thefe places:. Be. aRèin.4. forethe throne therewarp .Sea ofglafjeáke unto Chryflail a : Its thatday the. Lord L ifa.=7a. withhisfo-eandgreatandmighty fword,fhallflayéheDragontbatisintheSeay: And the ftateof World isas the Sea, in a fourefotd refpedis fitft,becaufe The listeof ofthegeneral' . vnllableneffeofthe things thereof. The vssfetledne(%ofthat thisworld va% creáturethe Sea, is well knowne.Irisin continual! motion, (it cannot ePea;d'.. ref$ =}it,ebbes and flowcs perpetually: fometimes(ata fpring tide) it Iwels mfpc@s. ro that bigneffe,that the bankescannot containe it,fomettmes again it falles c Ifai s y;xy; backfolow, thataman mullgo far fromthebankbefore he can comeneere Mot os a it