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6+o The SpirituallF ing. it.Itis(vnderGod)chiefly governed by the Moone,the which there isnoone thingmoreCubic& veto change,it being neuer beheld two nights together' inone proportion. Thus is theWorld, whether wee loche vponthe generati fatesofKingitomes, or the perfonall eftates of particular men, either for their goods or fortheir bodies,we feenothing but a'continualt alteration: Crownesaretranflated from head tohead, and Scepters paffe from one hand to another:Fenced Cities are made heapes, and walled Townesbe- come as theplowed fields : they which were once fattened as a nayle in Lure place,and having fet their neftsone hie,dreamedofnothingbut perpetu- ities for them and theirs,arefuddenly throwne out dell, and rolled and tar. ra,aa.rn, nedlikeaball a. The great heufesarefloater, with branches °, mrdthe widedwellings siens t""4' 6s aud large chattsbers,filledwith Cedar,andpaintedwebvermillion f, are ine:waxen[ E'fa left witbeuran inhabitant s. Hamar,istoday thefeeendiu she Kmgdcme, but then bHc S :7.:o. fiript ofall, is hanged vp tomorrowh. This yeere is lerufalem the Frincefe i Leers amongthe Prouinces,but the next yeeremadetributary i, her Nobles which did Jt Lam.4, 5. ere while Tat enfcerlet,doenow imbracethe dung k. NowdothNebuchadnezzar walk,e in bisrryallpea/Ieee ofBabe/I, priding himièlfein his outward flare; But while the werd was in the Kregsmouth, a voicecame dome from Heaven:. fayig; p 1ßaà.q.n6 Khag Nslncbadnezzar,n thee beitfpoken ,thyKingefemeisdepartedfrom thee, ire. am. Yefter day /ekecattell went out by their thoufands, he had both Connes and daughters to doe himhonour,and feruants"at his command : today heere is not ahoofetobee ken in hisground, not a child to call him blelled, nota ladde leftto attendhim. This is the vncertaintyofthis ebbing andflowing GotCor.7. ;r. world,thefee/Lienofitgeed, eawaye, x. Beeaute of the tumultuoufneffeof it :Who is ignorant ofthe formes and grieuous=wefts which are at Sea? There cfpeciallymen fee the worker ofthe Lord, andhis wanders in thedeepe: Forhecemmandetb and railetb the/tormie npfto7.aq, winde,andscliftethvp thewowsthereof . The World isafit pattrrneheereof, ate inrefpe&of the continuallfirs and troubles that are in it : Nationag_inlh NationbyWar, man againft manby diners (ondeof contentions; ofcurry one that lines thetein,is the rayingof 101verified,e.$tanthat isbarn ofe weman eChap.ïq.t, isfallreftroublee,Man ie bernevnte erassile,as thefparker flyvpwera P. It was the au/d pq,ap t7, punilhment whichGod laid vpon him, that is/eterwhefh eatsha treadall gGcn,3.17. thedayetofbes leftit Andalbeit fomehamsmore calmepatfage then fomeo- e Chap. aS. thershaue,orlikelams,,cantetyfteep,whenothersaretolledwiththeforme, yet none can hue without force vexation; he is not alwares caried withfull fail es to the end ofhisdefrres. Theworld refembles theSea by theoppreffon thatTsin it. At Sea the lesser flores are a prey to the great ones; and in the world, the rich and mighty JAmose.q, Swallow vp the poorer; one man bites and devoursanother s;Manaffetb, u E- eGatfa.ls,t 9sts. , phreeimEphraim,Menaffeth°",Tothispertainesthatof theProphet, Theemets r fhb eremodeatthe 6piet ofthe Sea.. 4 Inrefpe&ofthefway theDiueil beares in it. Obferue what is in the Pfaline,TbeSeefsgreat androide,therekit hat LeaiathanwhomtheLordherbmade ypfa.rogzó, topleytherearr. Now looke how this monfier domineers in the Sea, fodoth qe cocgq. Sathan heere in theWorld: thereforehe is called the Godofthes world., andraid °EphcCas. towakemtheehddrenofdrfebedieece : And toiuftiie this comparifon, as the aIdasar World iscalled a Sea, fo is the Diuell,'teaiettian a'. Thus wee fee hove the World iscompared to the Sea : The'ftate of the Seais vncertaine, fo is the ' World;it is tempeftuoun,fo is theWorld full oftumult t Init the great files deuonre the Jeff ; Co in theWorld theposte and weake area (poile to the mlghry:Leuiathan takes hispleafure in theSea, fodothSathan rule andbear[ sway in theWorld. . To preffe forward thecontrail ofS.lektt,Lorreset tkewarldereither the things r Epitì.aat. that are inthe worldn. Tire