TheSpiritu4Ìl Fi/hing, 641 TheDo&rine now deliuered, affordsaRrong reafon to enforcek: For wherethere is fo much vncertainey, fo muchcontufion and trouble, fuchop- preflionand cruelty,where theDiuell beareth fuch exceeding fway ; what is there to be foundworth delighting io ? Aman imagines himfelfe lure in re- fpe& of his ottward diem ; aran inflant comes as it were swane and wafheth away all : Hee promifeth peace and quierne(fe to himfelf ; fud- denlyarifetha(forme, and putshim ton trouble bee thoughtnotof: Much adoe (hallbee haue toefcapethehands ofthe oppreffor, bee heas he will; nay, the better and holier he is,fomuchthe morethat great Leauithan,thatold ter- pent hathhim in continual! chafe. Marke and confider, oh yee men ofthe ear[h,all whole(bitting andplotting andplodding is for the world ; confi- der what it is vpon which you dote, andwithwhich you areenamoured fd exceedingly, it iseuenaverySea of vine rrainties, andbottomleffe Ocean , of confufedvexation,tho very hold and kiugdome ofrhe Diuell. Weehunt af- ter it, but where is our affurance when wee haue got it? Or what hauewee procured to our feines , but vanity and vexation offpirit? The further wee wade into it, thefurther are wefrom the Lord: For the amityof the world, is theenmity ofGods,and themorebufineffe wehaue in it, in the greater hazard we ate to bedrowned in perdition anddefru¢t?an d. Happy were it for vs if the etam'4'e' meditation of this point touching the proportion which is betwixt the dt Tim.d,g: Worldand Sea, wereable to englue and vntwi(t our affe$ ions, which arefo neerely tyed veto it, and to (Hue vsvp likepaifengers by Sen to long for the Hauen,and to flriue for that eternall relt, akingdome notof vncerrainty,but which cannot be (haken , a place not of trouble, but whorefháll lee no more death, neither frraw, neyther crying, neither bee any more pain'. There the eRen,t Prince ofdarkneffe cannot endanger , for the Lambe a thelight ofit f, and God t himfelfe fhall beeall in all to thofe that dwell therein a. This isthe Vfe, at. THe next rhino is touchingthe Church; Thehie thereofhi theWorldu like Theflare of theWareof aft; or Bearenonthe Sea; Andthatefpccially in this refpe&: the Church Becaufe it is fubie& to continuall toflings. in this worlds Oftrauellers bySea it is laid, that they are toiled too and fro, and flag °Dmparc11 erlikedrunkenmen,andall their cunning is gone h. ofoieor Sea. g Not to this is vponrhe S a: the flue andcondition ofGods Church. Itfareth with it, as with theShip hPfaao7.a7. /oar wasin; There was a mighty tempeftinthe Sea, fo that the Ship was like tobee broken i; or which the Difciples were in, There atole a great iChap.o.4. tempeft in the Sea, fo that the fhip was courted with wanes P. Such was k Mat8.s4, theRateof the Church ofold, the members whereof complained, howThe meserobedalma]? drae,eedthem, andthe firestone bad gone osier their foule i. And 1Pfzlrs .4 Darnelas a man experienced in Inch domes,cryeth out to Godm,Saue me, firm Pf,L6y.4 the waters are oaredowned try[anle: and deliuerandtakeme oat ofthegreat waters * nPtal.r 44,7: And as it was with the fhippe in which Paul was fo exceedingly hazarded, That theyfawneither Sistineor Stories wmany dales.: So the Church ofGod °A8s i7.iv; is oftendeinen intothat extremity, that itis for a time, turn deprived of all ordinary comfort, andfeemes to hewithout all hope of any mote refrelb- ing. Henceare thesecomplaints of theChurch, O God, n'hy haft thou put vs a- mayfor otter ?why is thywrath kindledagaiuf the fheepeofthypa/lure t Tbinkp open thycoegregation ,e¢e.P andwelt'thoudealt, with vs far ewer? And wilt:boufrà- pPfal.74.ia; long thy wrathfrom one generation to another ? Wilttbae not tome aping 9, q Plait F56, Thus'Dau,d as atraveller in this Ship, cryed out, tVellthe Lord absent 4imfelfe fareaer,andwtShenomore/hew fanouro? And Haman the Evrahire ; Lord, why dsefl thouraid' myfoule,andhidefl thy face fromme*e? It isa lawthat cannot bee r pfat794: broken. that the chosenofGodWeft thropgbmany affiliions toter lore the king-ÉAft, 4:ax6 dome ofGedt,God bath foappointed for hisowne glory. Mmmg rirtl;