Hieron - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.H54 S4 1624

The SpirituailFiJ1in , necdfull then is it that Chriflians fhould often remember, how by Chriftß fpeech here,theChurch is neeeittrilyrcfc mbled to a Ship? enternot into it, to bed aguideot'apaffenger, aMini fter, or aProfeffor, vnleffe' thou refolutelÿ make prouifion fora ftorme. Till the end of the voyage there is no refto bee looked for : W herein notwithftandirg this may h -cefor a Comfort, that this Ship(the ChurchofGod)hath a priui ledge which none bath elfe, no not the greaten Gallioun or Atgofyvnderheaucn; Jr may bee toned, but can neuerbedrowned : Thotgb the waterrofthe Searage and bee trembled, and the monntaines fbabeat theforgesthereof,godis in the meddeJ1 oftt, thereforefhallit not be moeaed,Gad(hallhelps it very earlyh, lc isas the Arkcof Noah, which(becaufebpfal4¿3,Si God had (hut it upon Noah) therefore it was borne vp euen amidit the wanes t orasthc Boat inwhichChrill was =, which waswei-ncererout- redwith waters,yet at an innant, by the commandofhim which is the Lord katea;,4,,s, of the Sea, there followed a gracious calme. Chrift lathe Pilot, and ( as was raidofPesl) Gadbathgiaento him allthat Pylewithhim', and beewillginc theme- ternall!ife,andtbey(hall neutrper a'. ñt1.,7.íq. The fecond vie fettlestoteach vs (becaufc the Church of God is as a Ship asio hoaas. iu this feaofthe world, the neceflityoffurnilhing our felues with fuch things as appertain to thisfpirituall voyage : notto Mein upon many, two things efpecially mull beelooked too. Fich, That webe diligentinubletuiugthe di. refionappointed by God, for the true guidance ofour courfc. TheSea- menhauetheir Card and their Compalle, they haue the SunandStarres, and themotionsofheauentodire&them. That which our courir molt beegui- ded by,isthe Word ofGod; it is like the pillar that went before the hon of' Ifrael,according tothe mooningor handing whereof, theyordered all their journeys. Hithermay bc referred that of'Pew. a, Piehaw emailfierewordofunBphr.zR, the Prophets,towbichyeedoe wellthatyeetake heeds, a.e ontoa light thatfhtnethina drakeplace. Itisan allufion to a Sea-cowre: When the the Admirall hangs ., out a Lanterne,andall that comebehind fleece to that. SVee cannot wander Ifwe be ledby this light t tt is that good Spirit which Dmeid prayed to heeled byveto the landofrigbteonfnffea: Whatother Load.flarreofcuhome, oropi- e Ifal,143,i ci nion, orfalhionof the timesmen attend upon, theyman needs runne vpon the rocken, and make fhipwrackofthe faith. Secondly, That we take with vs theknowledge and faithof Godspromifes, It is called the Anchor, Heb,6. 19. This isoutflay inthedayoftempeft:Iknowwhom I haw helmeted ; fuch an one cannotbe maned, forhie heart ù fired,andhelcemeth in the Lordn. The pro- 1T I, ,T; miles being either not knowne, or notapplied, the foule is toffed without reft,and muftneedes be ouerwhelmed with delpaire. This Anchor being ty- edto the fouleby the firongCable of a Burlyfaith, giuescomfort vato it in thegteateilfortne. THe thirdthingis concerning the Née amen. The filh to be catched out TheRace of 1 ofthisSea, and tobee brought info this Ship, arcmen, Thon salt catch mea by na- g Pa p turgcoccpa. men fromhenceforth. Fromwhence this is gathered: red to fines That we areall dywomen, theflare of condemnarirü, This is clecreoút ofthia the place. fly this F ing,orcatching (thevery fubfanée cf the Minillers 'office) g. g af`Ce is meant, .4bringingof meninto theway oflife. Now then, in as 'Mich as wee are memow n- p'afsgión,va- xli bynature vneaught (otherwisewhy ihoidd ChriR fend out his Apoftles caught. to takevs?)' itfolioweth, that weeare all bynature without grace, euenits Dollrinte thevery guile and iawesofeternal! woe. This iseafflyprouedby the Scrip. auras : All flefh bathcarrtppodhis way upon the earth'. The Lord /ooheddownefrom', , Gems.,a. heaven openthe childrenofmen, tofee if there were any that waffle!vnderflandand feeke God. All aregoneout oftheway;they areallcerrapt, there is none that datbgoed,Pill .0,3; nanot oner. All we lakefbeep banegone aßray:we hamètasrnodemery one tohìs own way`6'15,53'6' Äí min4 Fy 643