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644 TheSpirituallFi fhüng. Ephe¿r, ;. Byavtare the childrenofwratbafwella tethers ',withoutChr ;, andwere apeasfrom theCamwtsawealthoflfraell,andesere_grangers from theCotenantefPromf, and x Vertcr:. hadno hape,andwerewithout Colin theworld.: Vawife,difekedient, d seined,felting yTitus3.3. thehiPs,&cr. DefirnRienand calamityare inetrrwater =, ZROm3r6. And well in this arewee compared vnto the fish : For as thefifltesskip and playand take their pleafure in the fea, andare vnwillingly taken in the net, and labour to get out, andbeing in theboate,would faine,if theycould,leape backe into the Sea, oneturatIy we take peafure in our finfull wales. It it aProoso.r3 pelisse forafouleto doewickedlya,The net ofthe Gofpellmuß enclosevs, and being entangled,we delireßi11 to be looted, andto retorneagaiue onto our wonted course. This is the very trueflare ofvs all. Weeneither are in the flare ofgrace by nature, neither doewe defier it. Wee bee plunged intoa fea ofmifery, and inour owne difpofitionwewould neuer forfake it. It were wellfor vs, ifwee could learnt by thisto feeour felues what wee be,andwhat wewouldeuer be,ifwee were left tothe fwiuge ofour affeeti. b s lob. t toh.3.59, ons. Nature bath (as it were) fpawned vs forth into this wordly fear and as slob,aosrx, itfelfehob inwickedaef/sb,fo derive drink .. iniquity likewater '. It lafweet ant. as in ourmewl, ,andwehide ,,vnderthe tongue, we femurit, andwillnoferfake it, hut keep, itcleft in themouth d.W a neither know the meanesof our faluatiory nor affea it when itis offered.Either the Scriptureis falle, or this is true. How happy werewe ifthis could humble vs; it would make vs afraid-offollow- ing our owne thoughts, or ofbeingled by the Twayof our owne hearts. Our not knowing the miferyofourowne eßate,is thecaufe ofallthe fecurity, of all theprofaneneffe ,of all theboldneffeits finne,ofall the contempt of Goda Word which isin the world at this day : Thisplace among others, is as a glaireto (hewvs what weare Changers frornfaluatios, andasfarrefrom a. ny inclinationto it,as a fish is from a will and desireto be caught. T ,niterswho THe fourth thing isofthe RateoftheMiniffer.Here are two things : Firli; Mmifkrs,w the flare oftheMinißer:Secondly, the labour, bufine(fe and worke of Dearinn<. theMiniffer.Of the frrß thuswee fee : That it itno fuperffnous or needleeefanilìon, heracallingefgromneceflityfer the winningendpoint woesJoules. This is euident outof this place : The Lord in. tending the conuerlion of tome, and being able diners wales to accomplish his purpose in that behalfe,yet harh thought it good to (ingleout this meanes among all the reß, euen by man to catch man, and by his Miniftery tobring foulesintohis Kingdome. This is that which theApofle faith, Epbef. 4. r r, r s. Hegamfome toheApelfles,andtome Prophets, aadjams Euangelí/ys, andjeme Bailorsand Teacher,, for the repairingelk*Saints, for tbe woke spiv Msnflery. The Saints which belong totheele&ionof grace, being fcattered opon the earth here and there, hispleafure isby PaulandTimothy, to gather them to. e Mar.q. ;t. gether vntohimfelfe. Theybe theLords Labourers to bring in his Hauefl e, faCor. ;g. hisWerkmentoaduancehisBuildingt,hisSheyheardetotakebeedwoekisf locks, g eß'°°.58. theStares in his right hand,to glue light untohis Church b.Thcre being thou. °Rene, ciao, lands offoules tobeCaned in four the Lordwill haue them tobe brought in kARss t. by Peters Minißery i; Phillip mudbe fent tocatch theSamaritan, and the Bes aA6418pq nuckk. InCerosthastherewasagreatdraught (IhanemachpeopleerrtbuCity:) thereforetherePatel mußgoetoworke t. Heereis theneceffity of the cal- ling. éheVree. To reprisant their profaneandwretched opinion,who thinke,thararnong all the Profeffions which are at this day in theworld, thatof the MinMerin may heft be (pared. Itis ßrongly thoughtby many, that it were nodanger or preludicetomens foules, though there were no Miniffer at all to inflrua them. O fayforce, what need they trouble themfelu,es ? finery man muß anfwery