TheSpirituallP;fhing: 4645 ànrwerfor his own foulei& ifwe donotes weihould,we fhal beare the blame; Thus theywould driftoffal)dependance vpod the ordinanceof God,& lay an imputationof fuperfluity upon that calling, by which it is the pleafureof God to face thofe that beleeue.This oneplace isfufhcient toflop their mouth: For Imay truly avouch is outof the words heere,that (ordinarily)there is no more hope ofamans faluation,without an ableand indufir ions M inifier, then thereis that the fifh in the Seawill of it ref& come afhore,and offer it felfevn- tovs without the labour offome,to goout intothe deep with boates and nets, tobring them in. Henceforthibexfhalt catch mor. Secondly ,thus:TbatshoalingoftlheMis errtaeidlecalling,bvtacallingtflaTh 1 "e". boor,seallingofmaehbáluef/eandofgrestemployment._ _ TheMin fiers are fi(hers,whether thatbe nota profellionofmuch labour, lodgeyou. To makethe thing it felfe manifeíl, this is worthy tobe obferued; That the moll namesgiuen in the Scripture to menof thiscal ling,doebetoken labour:Seersee,watcbmea e,Émbsf/adoarr e,Laboárert r,Dijpofertv,Hosheedmemr, Seedf -men I,Shcpbeardt e,Cr ers '. There is so title gi&rento them, but implyeth ñ t Sam9 9, a&ion,yea,and induflryver; peat. Itr: aworthywork!', their Maintainaece laos Cor.p. so', with thatconditionnothcrwifenotitle ,no name nor (hewcanfree themfrompMa[h.s. ;E. Comtempt =. q r Cor.q.t. ni.r.tcmeetechwithtwoeuils`inMinlllera: firfI,theidleneswhiehbatho- rMastiar's trertaken fame that are called to cilia" bulkprofeffion:Theyare futh asthePro- hetre roueth atebmeathatareb/initahatbaare, Howled a thstaredambdo , P P , k % d gs., ;.q. andeannot barks:thatlit and flap, ,and deAghtmfleepiag0.1 take no pleafureinlay- xs Tima; ingopen the sakednelieofmenof mice owne coate : yet God forbid .that lYsThefS.t ;. fhould vfe my tongue tothe licking of theirforès,wich, proouethe very bane x MathSt3 ofGodsChurch,and do make it lielike the fiel/ ofthefluggard, or esthe gar_ a Ira.{6ao. denof theidler. Secondlythe fpirit ofgreedinc lfe which (is tobe feared) is in snany,Theyeon neverbaneenorte,edc b. They goe outtocarch,yetnot bowies to b ICs. ;6sr: God,but prefermentsto themfelues: &are frill filling foraduancement.They haue not learnedthat ofthe Apeflle t1fink! notyoar:,batjou e; It is not yourfa- cz Cor.r a.4 bout which I doealfe&,it is not your wealthwhichI feeke for,it isyour faille, tionwhich Iendeuour. Thisisthe honour ofa mansMiniftery, the glory and crowneofhis calling. Itouerthroweth thecommonsfancyof thepeople,whò accountthe Mininety yre.iò calling tobean iIle anda lazie calling;weget our finings ealily in the conceit offome,and is nofine nor pitty(in their vnderftanding) todefraud vs; and how vfefullis it in themonithet ofmany,tofay, We mull labour for them ? I confe(fe, that as Tomeefeit,it is a callingofexceffiue idleneffe,ifthey brelush asfeedethemfrlao,ahtl feedenot thtflocketd, Inchas takeawayihekey ofknwowekdgee; dEzech.;q;t, but confider it initorvnenature, andasitought tobee performed, we (halleLulutça, find it tobea fernice of greaterbufine(fe.Let Peter,örany fucceffourofPeter; bufit hímfelf(ashe mnft)fometimes inpreparing,fometimes inmending,fom, timesin calling abroad,fometimes indrawing in his net; no man (hallhauea- ny hificouicto twithim with filesselle5or tofay, That beéaufeheisaMini(ler; Dollriee; thereforehe bathan ealle occupation. the iratebf diaGo[pe$ THe lall thmgis,rhat therm inwhichmen msifdhe taken,ir the preaching ofthe Prea[hed, Gofpell. compared [e Chrift heereacquainting them generallywith his purpofe howtoemploy orno[ b'i4 them,afret changed thephrafe when it came to the pointofexecution; andhe or so,ners whichnow fpakeoffilling, toldthem afterwards of preaching, Mat. ro.7. Joules. ofTeachinrhevatioatr; ofDeclaring the Gofpell to eaerfcreatores. of tattling; búfbeepoh, andChrilt hitidelfe compareih theGofpell toanet`. The comps-i Mar.ró.ty. rifon agreeth fitlyafter this manner. b tohn:a r; ;. The iM,[h.r;q.;