To the Right honourable Lady, the LadyMargaret, Counteffe of Cumberland. Right l'onourable, "Cg rlydon my boldneJ (Ibefeechyou) inaduenturing threefarre-t vponfoflender knowledge,andvpoos leftdeferts. I could(per- haps) fay what encouragements I haue raìfedto myfelfe, (and thatout ofnofuppofalsorimaginary furmifes).topreleentyou with this littleTreatf : but that whichbathmeemboldened me, is the confiant reportofthefincerityofyourafeblion to Godstruth,and of your graciousfruitfulnefe'inagood profeefon. I thought it therefore,, not vnmeet (fitting afideother moreperfenallrefec7s) to teflifie my bosioro ringofGodsgraces inyou, by craning¡ourfauourable acceptanceofthefi en- fuingleaues. thematter is concerning.Death , the very name whereof ¡04 terror toa naturallman, butyetswordofrefrefhingto Godschildren : itbe- 'ingto them (b_caufe they are inChrifl)aday ofentrance toanendleeioy. Touching the manner oftreatinghereon,l promifinothing more thenordi- nary. (?cty deftreby plainneff,tof[Ieake to thehidmanoftheheart, isfuffci- entlyknownebymyotberpublifhings. e/Irdthoughfomeblame vsperbapi, forwant ofqueint eloquence,andfxenef e ofphrafe,yet Ifliall beeglad ifany one (yea though but one )Nathauael, /ballacknowledge thathisfoule bath foundfweetne on my homelïnefe. cmy building, to theviewingwhereof I am here boldto inuiteyour Honour,ie butfmall: itwill bea blemifl, tomaki myentry intoit ouerfpacious Here Iend thereforewithout furthercomple- ment, milking toyour Ladifhipthe endofFaith, euentheJaluation ofyoui' _Pules andremaining, Your Honours inthe beítof my poore feruice, Sana Hieron: -From T+lodbury in T)esau. the3r.-ofianu.i6i5,