The Chiefecontentsofthis Tract. Irfi,the moll holy amongfi Gods children, are notwithfian ding theirhalinef fubieil tomortality. Secondly,to the childrenofGod,deathis afinalldifcharge fromallmifiry. 3 . ° Thirdly,the thaughts ofehegodly,in reffieel efdeath, are very comfortable. 4 Fourthly, thefouleofman remainethfîillin being,when thebody isby death turned into daft. 5 fifthly, thefoules ofthefaithull, prejntly vpon theirfeparation from the body,aremadepartakers ofacomfortable eflate. Diners otherparticularsare handled vpon occafian of thefe : but theft flueare the twinegroundsofthe wholethatfollotreth. MR2-,tkre;&.2, 2 *V*k$ r g ac r t,iù v Certaine