Hieron - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.H54 S4 1624

651 Certaine vfefull Meditati- ons touchingDeath : railed out ofPals words, PHIL. I. 23 `Defring tobetoofed awl to be with Chriff, which ie hell ofa11. Chap. I. The moil holy , the moll zealoras,the soot abounding with grace among the children ofGod,areyet notmithflanding labial to mortE:lity. Aint Pad was a man of extraordinary note ; a man 'endowedTheErft ge- withmany fpirituallprcrogatiues aboucothers,yet did exile&a8oera11 n4e= dayofdiffolution. d¢anon. Behold theWorthies, whofe memoriall isblelfedin theIto_ ryo£the Scripture.Henoch isrenowned for walkingwith God': Neah for being an uprightman in his timeb : Abraham for be_a Gen.s.zr. leeuing <: Mopformeekenef£e is Samoel for integrity °,Dauidfor being man bGcn,e.y. according toGodsowne heart f, lob forfyncerity a. WhatIhouldI fpeakein `a FGSum 3. the particularcommendationof all theProphets and ofeuery ofthofe gra- ecSam.t cious menandwomen, whofenames (hall be as anointment pouredforth , fof. Sam ,3.t4 long as the Moone endureth:andwhatwas the periodand conclufion ofthem all? was notthegraue their houfe ; madethey nottheirbed in the darke; and when theyhadferued their time, did theynot allfeecorruption? They had all but anappointedtimeupon earthh. theyall knew, they had here nocontinuing bIob 7.r. Citiei, but that their habitation was to depart, and to bee remoued like a i Helm; ,q. Shepheards tent k. Whatmanliserh and(hail notfee deaths? It is appointed kEfay untomenonce to diem. Duft muffreturn toduff as it was^. Euen the wife t i'fai sy.48. die as wellas the ignorant and foolsfh °. Howfoeuer men & i r herein the raHeb.9.zy. world,yet all lee eintheduff, andthewormescourtthemv. nbiaY ' z.' Y they P o PCál.gg.io, Some mens Ioarneyes in the world atemore thort, Lomeofgreater length ; but plob yr.ze. in the end,thegraueis asit were thecommon Inne,where they altlodge; where theymufffay torottenneffe, Thouart our Father; and tothe worme, Thouart our Motherand our Sifter v.Somedifference therewillbe betwixtthofethatare q lob0744, found liningat the verypoint oftime, in whichChril' lhallcome to ind°e, and 'r othersthat haue died before : forin them fhall thatfayingbe accomplifltt; Wee Ifiall not aP1Jlrepe, but weJbalia116echangedr; but yetthat changeflail beein{lead rr Cor, rf.ir ofdeath; and lookeofwhatvfe deathisto thefaithful!, of thefame Pall that changingbeeto them; cuesameanes ofpreparing themunto futureglory. Nnn . C'.ap,