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6g6 llleeditatrons touchrugDeath. tas1MEMMEEMODEMe-WingEigh, Chap. VI. The thoúghtsoftliegodly, in refßecto fDeath,areve- ry comfortable. Thethird ge yd '! N Pagel, a man may feethe truedifpofition ofa religious man. $o nerall Mcd farre was heefrom endcauouring toput death outofhisminder as `at1on. ì 'f who would fay, it were a terror and a griefe to thinke thereon, that herCooke comfortin remembringit : fo farrehee wasfromfea- rigglefi it fhould come toofooncvponhim, thatthe delayingthereof; wasirk- fome tohim. As the workemaniongeth for the fhadow,or as the hierlinglooketh for the eIeb y,z, end ofhis workeo; fodid hisfoule for thedayofhisdeparture. Neither was itin any defperate mood thather thus delred tobee gone ; asifhee had been fea,may.a ;.poffeífed with force fuch fpiritas Ahtophel, whenheehanged himfelfeP, (for eues life alto wasa matter not vnwelcome to him , inrefpea ofthe goodhee might doeto the ChurchofGod) but his defrrewasvpon Tuft ground, as knowing thehappineswhichawaitedhim : euen a Beringwith Chrift,which . isheft ofall. This isan argumentthat Pages thoughts refpediuely todeath, were verycomfortable, when asthat which mannaturally feareth,he defined with all fpeed tocome unto. The likemay beePeenin that aged Simeon, whenhee did euenina manner, beggeofGod to beedifmiffed. And to affure vs, that hisdefire hereinprocee. elect notfrom any kind ofcarnallorfíeíhly difcontent, filchasisinfomemen at times, when theyaremired in their defigncs,andmattersin the worldfue- credenot as theywould(fomefpiceofwhichweakeneffe feemeth tohaue been inthat worthyProphet Ehah, when in pafsionhee cried , Lard take awaymy gi Kisg, p4.fsailea) : to affurevs(I fay)it wasnot fowith Simew, hefpeakes ofadeparture inpeace, asan euldenceoffome feehng'ofpeacebetwixtGod and hisfoule:and giueth hisreafonofit; Far myojos ham ¡eeenthyfedmation. Hee hadnow asmuch fpirituall comfort andcontentment as hsthisworldcould beehoped for; and wastherefore now defirous (ifit might Randwith Godsgoodpleafure) to end hisdaies,and euen tobreatheout hislaf breath in the midft of that fweet peace,whichhe feltingreat abundance in his feule. It wasthe blefsingwhichGodpromifed to Abrabam,that he fhouldgoetohis rGen., Li p. father, inpeace = : which istobe referred,not only to therefwhichGodmeant toglue himbeforehisdeath from all hisformer trauels;butalto tothe comfor- table difpofitionofhisfoule, towardsthe entertainment ofhislaf departure. IProuaq. ;a. Ie isthepriuiledge ofthe righteous, To haut hope inhis deathf: namely, fielt orlaf,to haue hisaffe&ionscalmed inregardofhisend. dEESKLEGEMEtESWIZENZIEMEEMMEW Chap. VII. Thereon twof(teciallreafons,ofthiscomfortableaf sjitia,u of thegodly towards their ad. Conívmatian +; i Either is it thuswith thechildrenofGodwithoutcaufe. Firft, it oftheformer ¡; farethfo with them, through theaffurance which theyhaueofre. Truth. conciliation withGod, through IelasChrif. How canthis but breedquietneffe,whenI amperfwaded inmy fouleandconfidence, hatall eagle ofdanger after death is utterly remooued; and that God both is, and