Hieron - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.H54 S4 1624

Meditations tosíchinnDeath. 657 andeuer willbe gracious veto ni fn ehisSonne? Whatcauf ofrose is left, or can beewhere this is? What occafion or matter ofperplexity? This was the groundofthe Apoftles confidence , bee knew that fo foone as was gone hence,hefhould bewith Chrift. HeMat felt himfelfenow in Chrifhcould not but beaffurèd, thathe Mouldbee afterwards with Chrift : and howcould hee butthinke contentedly upondeath, who by the eye offaith faw ( likeSte e) heauen open, and Chrift ftandingat the, righthand oftheFather r ready tore= t Alts 7S6. ceiue him. Nowifit beequeftioned, whether the feruantsof God hase this affurance ? .it is certaine, that fooner orlater they all haue it in fornegracious meafure, hisPaidplainly, thatthey which are Chrifts, haue the fpiritofChrift °, and u Rom.Bg. within a fewverfes, that, that fpiritwhere it is, beareth witnefleof Adóption.. xterCiá. Secondly, thisproceedethfrom thecomfortable teftirnonyoftheir confcience touchingtheir formercareto glorifie God Manholy courfe. Hencecame hods comfort; I hase fought agood fightt : this encouraged v himtoexpe& that crowne of righteoufneffe, which the Lord referues for ally which louehisappearing. Thus HczekiA, thoughthe fuddennewes ofdeath fomewhat appalled himat thefidt ° yet hereinhe hadcomfort, that heefound vpon theexaminationofhisby-paicourfe, that hee hadwalked beforeGod in truth, and withaperfc& heart''. Neither is this fo, becaufe Gods children Z dfY3t build their hopesvpon defects, but becaufe they know good workes tobeethe way., and find by the Scripture,thatan holy lifeherc,is the firft fruitsof a glo- 41,4 a. to xificd ylifehereafter. Chap. VIII. ? he obietiions whichareandmay bemadeagainfl this,areof noforce to oaterehrom it. ere beeTomeparticulars, whichmayfeeme to impeach thistruth. Firft,wefee many worthyperfons,who hauemadea great, andeuen The çleering anextraordinary profefsion ofreGgion, andwho have alto linedvn- iweY=coa.,- k blameably, yet have had great feares in themfelues, in refpe&of junións, death; yea, andthat fpecially atthe timeofdeath, andintheirfcknes, when (ifeuer) they fhould haue made their comfortable expo&arionof it toap- peare. Here firft the rulemuff beeremembred, notto mdge accordingto ap. pearance b. '1 It isa feeblekind ofreafoningtofay, thatthis orthatman is merry bIoh 7á4: out peaceand comfort,becaufein hisficke fits, to shedes oftheftandersby he makes nothewthereof: Certaine itis,thatas aman mayhave peace with God, and yethimfelfefqr theprefent,byreafonoffome great tentation, notfeeleiti fo may either feeleit,orhein the way ofattainementto it;when asyetothers thatbeholdhim,benotable toperceiué it. Again, it mutt beknown, thatthe outwarddifturbances, which doemany timesaccompany fickneffe, doe happen unwell, and as ordinarily to thegodly; as tothe moltprofane ; fuch asare rauings,idle tàlkingandfuch like God bathmadeno promifethat fuchasferuehim faithfully, Ihas;.11be freed fromfuch fits. Did notDmud fay, that the Lords arrowes had light vponhim, fo that there was-no reft inhis bones? hedideuen roare forthegriefe ofhisheart Cohfiderfurther, thatwrth the belt ofGods feruants, Satan isvfaallymolt Ptal.;$.s, bufie, when theirend is neereft. Itis hismanner to haue great wrath , whenditecla:.,s hebath but fhort timed. Note itontheholy ftory=, howviolent heewas a- e marks -60 gainita psílifodpecfon,whenhe lawthtewas no remedy buthçensult nerds Lukcnis; depart;