. Meditations tonc inkDeath. 6 heare talking very confidently, touching death; Oh,tkey art ready far Godwho, he to readyfartbam,andtbefeener.rbebetrer,&o and fo, many filchend their daies withgreat (hewof much fetledneffe. Aske them in their fickneffe, you {hall flUer herethem inanyother tune , butthatthey (forfooth) aremoft willing to be gone;and fodoe theydepart,without any manner ofvexation at all; with,. out any troublefomethoughts, orperplexed motions.Indeed, this whichis thus alleadged is mof true. But wemus fay to it firft,that we are notbound to be- lane euery one that profeifeth fach awillingneflèfor death, and filch a refolu- tion todepart. SoIowenfaith ofprofane mirth, that menix laughing thehoue i, faryh;and fono doubt,many amans heartgiucth hismouth the lye:fothatwhen hi' . 141;; hefaith; he iswilling todie, yet,his ownefoule knowethwell itis notfo. Then befdesthere maybea kinde ofdefire ofdeath, out ofworldlydifcontent,as we fee in many howpouertyand fickneffe, when it istedióus, andthe failing in fome otherpurpofes,maketh them tobeeeuén greedyoftheirend. The ground then ofwillingneffemuff be looked into ; whether to be freed offomewhatwhich liethheauyOponme, asan outward burden, or of forne- whatwh rein Iperceivehow I offendGod : there is the trial.Thirdly,outward calmeneffeisanordinaryconfequentoffomedifeafes ,andisnofigneofinward peace. Euen fomevery wicked menhaue no bands in their death i. Fourthly, ' we muttdiflinguiih betwixtfecurity and peace, betwixtcarnallfenflefneffe,and truefpirituall quietneflè. N.16il, deathwasquiet enough r; yet he were buta h s"537° s.;p foolewhowould aduenturehisfoulewith Nabal,. Wefeemanyignorant perfons, manyofheathenilh andbrutifh conuerfation,' veryquiet in their fickneffe,without any apparant£careeither ofhell,or iudge- inent; making nodoubts, calling perils,asking no queftions,complainingof nofins,andfo theydepart. What Shallwe fay?theyare dead in peaceand com- fort? we cannot, When we compare togethertheir ignorant,fecure, benuni- med,hardned kind oflife,with their droufiedeath,wemuffneeds account thefe tobemoffwofullfignes, though wennuftleauethr things whichare fecretvnto God. Thusto deem thefe twoobie&ions : touchingbothwee may concludewith theScripture; howfoeuer itfallout,,yet st {hall bewellwiththem that fearethe Lord4 butto thewicked,there isnópeace .. lEect.s:rr: Chai..I X. be powerufreligianmúftbe laboured far, ifwedel e indeed that our deathmay be comfort.:ble. Owfeeing it is fo, that religionbegetsin amans affe&ioils, the li- Thevrging of king andtheloueofdeath,we maynot thinkeourfelues religious, ahemauer of vntillwee hauelaboured(and doe ítill)to gather as muchftrength rhismedirar h aswe pofsibly may tothis purpofe. Firs we muff labour forat; °A ro the furarceofreconciltationwith God,by IefusChris. rightvie, Vncertaintyanddoubtfulneff herein, muff needs ouerthtow allfolide corn.. fort. I am goingout ofthe world, Ithinkeuponit, that thereare twoplacesof recéit forthe foulg,when it isfeuered from the body, hell,andhesuen. Iknow I hauedeferued hall; what comfort can I hale tobeegone, when I haueno affi- ranceofmyfeodesadmittance intoreS? I mayflatter myfelfe, and thediuell may teachmeto beguile ;r_' foule with vain conceit : butthattrue comfort I fhould haue,it is vopo,sibk. Secondly, we:uws makeconfcienceofourwaies, and!trinetokeepeour felues vnfpotteof the world. This is that which will bring a man peace