Hieron - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.H54 S4 1624

ódo Meditation, touchingVeath. atthe !aft. Heewhich goeth thisway,though itbewithmuch weaknef'e ,with many falles,and fundry.imperfedions,yet hecannotmiffe ofcomfort. Who fowouldhaue peace indeath , let him labour to haue grace in life; Wouldeft thou end thydaies happily? makeconference then to fpend them holily. It isbutonly a matter of(It maybee)when wefpeakeofthe comforta- bleendofanirreligious and ill-liningman:butit isa matter of(Itmufbee,and Itcannotbutbe)when we fpeake of thebleffed departure ofaman, who hat alwaiesendeauouredtokeepe a goodconfcience, both towardsGod, and yY to- wardsman. Ysmd yY tETá :gi Chap. X. Theforeleeyennant remainethfull inBoeing, when thebody by death in tarriedintodufl. He bleffed Apoftle didnotthinkebydeath tobee Beane extinguiflt; eel ; nay, his expeaationwas to beetranflated hence fome ahem where. Now, hisbody heknewwell wasto fleepein theduff, and tofee corruption :thereforeit wasthat otherpart ofhimowhichwecall (the Soule), which hewas affuredfbouldfubfffandrémainein Being!till, capableofhap- pineffe,bythe focietyand fruitionofhisSauiour. Whatplainereurdence ofthevndying condition ofthefoule,and that God hash endowed it withimmortality? The body retutnethtoearth, as itwasu thefouleliuèthRill, and foGall foreuer. Indeed there is a deathtowhich the nEzek.t5.4, fouleisfubloft That foulewhich finneth, itlhalldie.; and thisdeathfeized vponauonfoulesinvldam, byvertueofthatfentence, Inthedaythatthauea- Ganef z,tr 04, tinsfhale &tubedeath. r butthisisa death ofanother kinde; namely, the loll't ofGod,who is the truelifeofthefoule; and fachan immortali death, the foulesof allthe damned !hall bee iudgedto. But that death , (the freedom% whereofinregard ofthe foule ishenceconcluded) isthat which brings ana- bolifhment,ordefruEtionofthefubttance; fothat thatwhich dieth,dothfront thenceforthceafetobe, vnleffeGodbee,pleafedtomanifeR hispower inreflo- ring it. Now,thiscontinuallBeeingofthefoule, notwithllandingits diuiding from thebody,the wordofGodbeamswitneffe to, The f tritreturnethtoGedthat same pEedef.tz.,, et,faiththewifeft Salmonr. ItisfaidofLazarus, that after hisdeath, heewas qtukr6.zz, feeneinAbrahams bofome 9; andofthe Richman, that hewas in Hellin tor- rvery,,:3. mess r : this wasnot fpokenoftheirbodíes, it wasmeant oftheir foules, when death haddiuidedthemfromtheir bodies. Chriltpromifed therepentantThiefe,he Gouldtireday bewith hitìtinPara: ¡Luke z;.43. dift{. Can thiswithany colour ofreafon,bevnderfoodoftheTberms whole petfon, confideringhis body wascrucifiedby theRomans, and by themtaken downeanddifpofedofafter, as theypleafd?Sure,itwas hisfoule, whichfub- liftedfill, thouglahisbodybecameaprey torottennel&e. Stearnprayed, Lard t nets7.19. brat recent,myfpnit r ; as knowing hisfoule wasnot fubieetto extmguifhinent by the famemeans, bywhich hisbodyywas thentobee deft :toyed. Our Sain- oursargumentto refellthe Sadduces, denying theReffirre&ion,is nottobeelet nip; conhideringthatto prouethe certainty oftheRefurre&ion,beelaiethfor hisgroundthe doârine,of thefoiilesimmortality. .GodfaithofAbraham,&c. lamtheGadofAbrahain,/fäac,and l ecob;andthis many yeeres after their tranflating from the worldby death. Now (faith Ghrift) they whole GodtheLordis, ;naít needsbeçinBeefing ; but ofbra- Thefourth generali mc. dirado,.