46z Meditation( tonchingDeath. it felfe (as it were) before Gods Tribunali, in theapprehenfionofan account tobeeyeelded to him, euen thefe thingsmight be made vfeof to confirme this point. Butwhere Mofe: andthe Prophets cannotbee heard, otherarguments e Lnke 16s9 may preffe, butcan neuerperfwade = : fhould there comea meffengeron put - pole from the dead, toallure fach asreif not on theScriptures, that thefouler departedareas yetin being, it would not fatisfie, but they would ftill deuife how tomakefomefurther queltion. The neeefiley ofbeing well felled in the foregoing point. rana: czzxMEgmx CHA There isfeciallrea (on whyehritiansfhouldlabourtá teewell sfferedofthispoint. Thispoint is mien the ground()fall Religion. For ifman didby. death receiue a finaliend, fr thather were neuer any more to comeinBeing,what íhould letthegluingofthe reines bycurry one tohis owne Vnnflylults? why fhould not eachmanenen detrifeandffudywith himfelfe, which way hemight bemoft profane? Belden this, as therebecertainenaturallfeedso fAtheifineinvs, tending to the putting out ofthat comm on light touching the being ofGod: fo euen in this pointalto Satanwill labour to corrupt, and to breed doubts touching the foule, and the perpetual) continuance thereof, after the dilfolútion and a- bolilhmentof thebody. Sa/ome, elhewethinhis owneexperience, howaman, ifwe will giucway to his owne heart, when iris fet onworke by the 'Melt, may furnifit himfelfe d&cclef;.r6. with probabilities herein, fordenying the immortality ofthe fouled. Man may thinke with himfelfe,thatto theeye ofman,thereii no differencebetwixt theend ofaman,and ofa beaft : the life ofbothlieth in theirbreath ;; the death ofbothisby the expirationthcreof bothwere made ofduff, and both are dif- folued into duff. Folkemay talke ofthea(cent of the fpirit of a man after death,when thefpirit ofabeat defcendeth tothe earth andvanilheth:butwho euerfaw it fo? Orwhois able, outofhis semen knowledge to auouch itto bee lb. On thismannerS1am: fhewethhow the thuell may teachAtheifinetodif- pute, andtoconclude thereupon, that it isinvainetoexpeâ anyafterhappi- neffe, but to glue ones felfe to the full fruitionofall earthly contentments, withoutreftraint;lookingfor noother portion. hence bath itcome, that in all agestherehath beenfome, who haue Rood vvpptomaintaine theperilhingofthe foule:yea,cuenamongthe people ofGod fachhaue bin found : asamong the Iewes, itwasthe opinion ofthe Sadduces ; e Alts; a they acknowledgednorefurreetion, noAngell, nofpirit ; and this left Age of the world,fo fertile in otherwrckednefes, hath bin hereinalfofruitfull,affór- dingfome, who haue vfed the giftsof thefoule, andthatpowerofdifcourfe;. and argumentation, withwhich God bathendowedit, to thedifprouingof the fub fasce and immortal' conditionofthe foule. Thcfe turne all religion intoa fcoffe, imaginingit to be no other but awife inuention, for the keeping ofthe common peopleinfubiettion. Others thereare, whohaue broached another opinion, notdenying the foules immortality fimply and wholly; butyet maintaining I knownot what drowfie andfleepingeffatethereof, betwixt the timeofdeath, andthedayof riling; thinking thefoule inallthattime, totalk (as wee fay)ofneither weale norwoe, but tolie in fome abltrufe andhiddencorner,like the fliesin thewin- ter feafon, until the time thatall thatbe reitoped.Isnot thispoint needfultobe wet