Meclitatirnr tcnchingDeath. 663 well digefted, that wee mayftrengthen our felues againft thefemifconceits? 'Whenthenwefecicwhat power and workingthat whichiscalled the Word òfGod bathupon our hearts, andhowmightyitis inoperation,' then let vs learnt to relicvpon the authority thereof, and let one fyllableof it prenaile morowithvs,then a world ofcauils producedtothe contrary. Whatifanor- dinarybelecuer cannot tellonthe fudden, how to fhift ofeucry fabtle allega- tion, brought by fome wily workman againft this, or fome Other part of Gods facred Truth ; yetwhen byexperiencein hisotvnefoule, beehath found the truthoftheScripture inother things, let hint(landitiffe and filmicvntoit in this allo. Wee willnot teachmen (like Papifts) to beewilfull, whenthey haue nogroundat all, but felfe-opinion; or this, that (forfooth) it is the doc- trineoftheGhurch : but this wewouldbring themto, toreft confidently vp- on theplaineenidenceofthe Scripture, whatfoeueefhallbearguedoroppofed to the contrary. As forexample, whenPaul,fpeakingofhis death,fpeakethfo direftly, that helookth tobefomewhere after, what (hall I carefor the cun- ningoppofitionof an Army ofAtheifts? `Danrd,thoughhehaue buta ftaffeanda flìng;yt,eomming in thename ofthe Lord hisGod,(hall be able tomake hisparty good euenagainft theGoliab, at.. turd throughoutt. Now, as this point isbehouefullfor thefetling ofour fudge-/r, mess; fo no lefle for thequickningof ourcare,to makedue prouiffon for the time tocome. Wemull die; this we all acknowledge. Now,if(to die)werefor euer.toleaueoffro haueany manner of Bering, then there wereno reafon in the worldwee fhouldtrouble ourfelues fomuch, asto call foraplaceofenter- tainement : butin afnuch as when the body gocth tothe grave, the foule isnei- ther quite putout, norfalleth on fleepe withit in the duff, but remaineth Rill capableoffomeeirherioyvn4 ,eakable, ormifery intollerable, whatcan con- cerne vsmore, then to follow thatcourfe now,bywhichwe may arriueatthat Reftwhich is prouided byGod,for the foulesofthofe that lonehis Name.Mce thinks thevery light ofcommon reafon, fhoaid bind a man tothe hailingof forcemore then ordinary care in this matter. Whatcomfort canbe taken invncertainty herein? cfpccially, when asthere 3s a certainty ofdying firftor laft : fo there is anaffitrancealto, that a mans owne defect isthe very quinteffenceof mifery. Is it not awonder, that men can fo much delude themfelues, as to confeffethey muffdie, and that they know not howbone; and withali, that theyhauedelìruldtobee damited, if God lhoulddraleagainft them in extremity; and yet fhould labour nomore then theydo,tobe affured,that whentheir foules are departedhence,they (hall be conueyed intoAbrahams bofome, there toinioy that gracious which the Lord bath preparedfor his chofen? Ifit werein acafe that concernes Our outwardeiate, noman ofanyordinaryvnderftanding wouldbe halfefoven- turous. Ohthat weMould loueourbetter part fo ill, asnot to confiderand prouide,where andhowit fhallbebeltowrd, whenit Ihail be once difcharged ofthis earthly Tabernacle: P2=' 1P, Chap. X II. The f vies ofthe Faithfullprelim ly upon theirfeperationfront thebody ,are made apartakers n f an happieandcomfortable eflate. Beteeuers; is an cuidence to nowhemakethnomiddle ,btwithisdiflòutionfandhismt hamegd0 beingwith his Sauionr; hefpeaketh of the latter, asthe certen and ` immediate confequent ofthe former. No fbonerlhouldhis foule bee from his 000s body;