666 Meditations touchitg1?eath. Chap. X II I. Two thingsareneceffärily tobeadded, touching theformerpoint. Anaddition j " +.¡ O theend thatwhich hathbeen faid,may be thebetter and themore for the better rt: profitablyvnderftood,it ismette toadioync two particulars. The ofthe matter g 'tl , one,a reftrainttoour namrallcuriofty; that contenting out felues oEthe Milner 'Ç 2nl withfomuchastheScripturehathrcuealed,towit,thattheFaith- Chapur, full departed,reft with God inChrift, we makeno further enquiries touching Soc cotn,, rhepartiailarity ofthcplace. Many trouble themfclues much in difputing of aJn.tib.;. theplaceofthe departedfoules, andthe kind andquality oftheglorythey en- `'afo ioy. But itis fooliíhand rath, roenquirefurther about things Vnknowne, then God dothgivevsto vnderftand. It is enoughthat the Scripture aflitrethvs, that Chriftisprefent with them, and thathee recciseth theminto Paradife, there toinioy comfort. Beyondthisthe Scripturedoth not reach. Whofhall be able to difcouerthercft,which God bathfecxeted?This is fufficient to know that the foule iswith God that gaue it,and inanefateofquietneffe. The otherfpecialty, is, that we muffknow, that thehappineffeofthefoule isnotcomplete,norwill be,vntill the timeofre-unitingto the body. And there is andwillbee,akind oflongingin the faithful' foules, for theirioyningagain tochofebodies from which death hath arted them; as coneeiutng their feli- citynot to beperfeft vntillthen. That fyingofPaulisworthobferumg, Wu fight,&c.bseaufswe wouldset devselotded, bu:wou[dbeeclothed vpou, thatmertalety eaCersq, m,ghtdefwaltemedvpofLifee. Itproueth,thatcuroin thefaithfiili,notwithlan_ ding theiraffurance ofgoing inftantly vntoChris, yet there is akind ofloth_ neffe ofleauingthe body,andawillingneffe rather (ifit might fobe)that then® might be apeefenrenioyingofthatblilff whichisafter expetled, without any layingdowneofthebody. This is the famine t Thefoule isinrelt, butnotify perfeelionofbliffe,neitherflan it be vvneillthe endofall. P p Cap. XIV. Thedoctrine ofPurgatory is but anidlefancy. Anvrgingof ;" , Hereis now thatPurgatory fier, for which the ChurchofRome [aid thaibbin . i h ÿji' fomuch ftriueth? Itdiuideth thatRegion which isfuppofed to padim inl 1i bevnder ground, into foureroomes the loweft whereofis Pur- gatory. T 56:1'kß Hell, wherethe damnedaretormentedwith eternal'flames:the next about that Purgatory ; the third, acertainpeculiar re- ceptacle forfilch Infants foules, asdepart the world without sec'iliar.de Babtifin:thefourth, wan foethe foules ofehe belecuing Fatherstillthe death P"'gat.i.a.o.'. ofChrrft; andthis isnow fuppofed toSand empty. Now Purgatory isheld tobeofthisvfe; Topurge their fouleuby fier, whichhere in thislife werenot thorowly denied and cleered from thofe finneswhich they committed after their baptizing. This Purgatory isheld tobee aplace in pie vntill the dayof budgement; and the fierthereof, toexceedall ordinary fier: yea, notto differ any thing from the fier ofHell, butonly in this, that this íhall hueanend; whereas thatofHellis vndeterminable. Now for themeanesof deiueryfromthefePurgatorypaines,they appoint next the mercyofthe Pope(whoisable,euenatonce, to ridit, ifhe would)the prayersand offeringsofthofethugs;alise, bywhofe;aitanceand feruency, ótherf