668 Meditations tottcbingDeath. . thole which are left here in truft (as whoknoweth what theywill .doewhen hee isgone?) heemaybe fryingmany yeeres; perhaps till the dayofRefutre- ttion. Howisitpofsible foraPapiíttodie iìipeace, who isnot fareofbeingfa- ued; butyet fare(ifhee befaued)hemuftinto Purgatory, theretoremain iii an vnfpeakabletorment, hee cannottell howlong? Oh that wecould learne to fee,aud to valuethe worth oftrueReligion, which willenable a manto fa to his foule : When Ias, d,J/olxed, I'ball he withChi/?, winch is heftofail. Wouldwe know howweemaycome tobeafí'ured hereof? Behold a Rule. Lifeeternali is begun in this world : hewhowould be,with Chrift whenhee dieth,. mull la- bour tobewithhimwhilehelined. Where ¡mm, thereJlsallmr/infant See, faith atchn11.16. Chrift d. He muff bee a feruantofChrift now, who hath á deliire tobe with Chrift hereafter. Now hefaith withall; Ifany man [ernemee, lethimfellewmee. Let vslookewhat wayofFaith,ofHoline(fe, ofObedience beebath chalked out vntovs in hisword, and initlet vsgoe. Thiswill a man peaceatthe lair; this will guidevnto Chrift, whichis heft ofail. And well mayitbee faid tobee belt ofall.Forif IefusChrift bebeft ofall, what canbebetter then tobe withhim? Thisindeed íhouldbee theend andfcopeofall our defres :yea, al- beitSaluationand BeingwithChrift, cannotbeefeuered; yet we íhouldftriue tohaue aneyeto this, morethen toany thingelfewhatfoeueritbee. Though itbenot pofsibleeither tolïndChrifinHell, or tomiffe himin Heauen, yeta man lhouldlaboyrtobring his thoughts tothis, that heewould rather beein Hell with Chrift,theninHeauenwith out him. THE DOCTRINE