Hieron - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.H54 S4 1624

An Aduertifement to the leader. Oar here vnto thee (goodReader) thisfhort Catechif me, neither preferring it before other the like briefesof Religion,neitheryet equalling itto any, but I willingly fubmit it to thyiudgement,to placeit in what ranke thou wilt. Onelythis,ifthou art difpofed afterthouhaft view- ed the Title, to lookefurther into the thing it felfe, then Ipray theeby the way to take notice of this mine acquainting thee with the order and mannerofthat which followeth. For order,itfheweth the;firft, what was the excellencyofthy firft makingby the eternall Trinity. Secondly, itdifcouereth the depth of mifery,intowhich thouhaftplunged thyfelfe, bycommunicatingwith vldan :rdifobedience, together with thyvtter difability,fomuchas by athought todcfire,or todel rue thineowne recouery.Thirdly,it poin- tethout Chrift vnto thee,whomGadthe Fatherhad fealed'tofaue hispm- John e. át. plefromtheirfinnesb. Fourthly,it makesknowne vnto thee the fufficien- cy ofhisfacrifice, andthemeanes ofapplying it to thine ownefoule. Fiftly, it teacheth thee whence toexpel} faith, what meanes tov£e for theattainement ofit,andhow to beaffured thatit is vnfained. Sixthly ara,ts becaufe the endofthe appearingofgrace is,that we]houlddeny vngodlinose, therefore it vrgeth vpon thee the neceffityofgoodworkes,thaefothou . maiefíbee neither idle, nor vnfruitAllis the knowledgeofourLord Iefäi Chr a Seuenthly, forafmuch asthe way oftheRighteousJhineth, as thed a Pecr.t: light thatfhinethsnore andmore unto theperfeölday%thereforealfo it cal-`P1Op4''t^ lethvponthee togrowingrace ;andenformeth thee bywhat helps thouf'P"'tas° snaieft beledforwardvnroperfeetiong. Eightly, left in this good cow*gtkb,a r. being encountred withvnexpeftedtribulations ,thanfhouldeftbewearied andfaint in thy' minde , it fore-adui£eth theeof thecertenty ofdiuers 016.141:, affiilìions; and teacheth thee both how to frame thyfelfe to the ta- kingvpofthy Croffe,aud withall,whatquietfruitefrighteoufnefe to ex-. peit,by.being exercitedehereby's .In the middeftofall,fulllooking. for the ble9edhope andappearing oftheglory ofthe mighty Gad,andofeurSaviour'H "'' tr. Iefas Chr k Ninthly and laftly, thegeneral). direltionofholines and righteoufneffe, itapplyeth toparticulars, both to thydailycarriage inkT"nSids thevfcofthings indifferent, asapparrell, meare, recreation, reft;and to thine