Hieron - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.H54 S4 1624

To the `leader thineage,quality,& calling: that foin euery refpeel thy cetrcerfationmay rPhit .,7. be fuch,as becommeth the gefpel'.Thisit the scuffle&Am afthisform ofhe- rx°o.su. ly doûrine,whereuntomydelireis to deliuertheem; and in which perfwade my felfe I haue comprifed the full futnme oftrue Religion. Now forthe mannerofit,1 haue as neereas I could poffible, in each anfwerëkept myfelfe to thewordsofthe holy Text: Thou¡haltfinde me tohaue failed in averyfew : and yet in thole ifthouconfereewith thatplace to whichI referee thee,thou fhalt finde menot to haueerred from the meaning ofthe Spirit of God therein. The reafonofthis courfeis,firft, toacquainttheewith the languageoftheScripture. Se- condly, thateachpoint mayhaue themore credit, when thy confci- ence (hall feeandheart, as itwere, Godhimfelfe fpeakingineuery an- fwere. Thirdly, thatthoumaieft acknowledge, that(whichmany in their ignorancewill not beleeue )the Scripture isa rich flore-houfe, affor. clingdireítionsfor eueryparticular. Now, where I haue fuppofed fome wordor fpeech to bee fuch as might breed thee trouble, not being rightly vnderftood, I haue in the margine(as it were)reached thecalight for thecleeringofall fuckdar.. ker places : thatthoumighteftboth know the fenfe, and acknowledgethe n LukeLe. cerceney ofthofe things °,wherein my delire is thoumaieft he inftrueted. This isall, whereof! haue toadmonifh thee : Proceede now, in Gods name, to theperufing ofthe thingit felfe: andtheLordgluethte voider.. ssTimsq. flandinginallthings°. All that I dtlireofthee (by the way ofrecom. pence) for my endeauour todoe thee good, is, that thou ;amide"/rime Pte° 'sa°with usebyprayers to Godforl'me, thatI mayMille& Minifterywhich! gcoteC4 7.7 haue reed:tabs theLord S AndColony/mod thee mkt'', andto theWord r@fta..;s. ofbiograce,wifhingtheeasinheritancepool themthatarefantï/edr_. Thinainthe Lord, Sem. Hu:4os. rdodbury in Deuon.thefourth ofvtuguff. 160.1. THE DOCTRINE