Hieron - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.H54 S4 1624

WE9-90.34MSAME `.iaSik60,5a0i0i3r,`°`, THE D OOTRINE OF the beginningof Chria. wrJlJen. Nomademan ? ehé+efdinehe Ye,/V,ÿ 601.2. 7 femme of God, ? -' Q. What is God? rats °n''+'°; A. TheAlmightyb whichis, Ablew doe mir <ner ha which was, and which is to w;u, at sees corne agrees Gods this name, f Q. How many d Pirronebee áAperfe mp'r as ni j''e' sa there in the God-head? mains rbr- eif. Three : the Father, the m<<<ñ<' 'o Word e, and the HolyGhat, God-head. z lob,5.7. The Sonne fo aka. mli.a.,. Q. Are there then three Gods? h=<anr he<ia A. To vs f there is but one ábe 3.'12e aageocns :F, God, t Cor.8.6. ea, eaoasa , Whereforedid Gedmake Nord isofthe fp<akers mind. want : whouechri. A. For histlwíie fakee,Pro. Miens. aFonhisáwde 16.4. glmyfake. J) Wbereofwas manmade? humility,, <c , A.Ofthedullof the ground", Gsnat. 7. Q. After whatfafhiandidGod Make man ? A. In his ownelmage, Gen. 1. 27. What rods this ¡maple,. oiagy r A. Righteoolhclle and true holineffe. Ep"he..4.xq. ,Q Dath this Image Of God abideJulainour nature? toreh:e1141. A. We all haue finned, and Wsa&,tewh <h in bas are depriued óf the glory=of 611.421P God,Rem.3.z3. Nids God. r aThuir, this y Wbat iir.nner mimpbgRein A. The tranfgreffienofGOds Law, tlob.3.4. wrhe ,iak<dnes Q. What was thefirfFfineby 6ich Adam risen rawMilian which came thie prituallnaked- felf<was of the nlffe k? foule etreeiany, hishbmvghc A. Adamur eating the for_ e ya eof bdd fi enrute gen, Áodil kcdnea i a 3.7° 577 Q_Whodrew Adam to thatfin? A. The oldSerpent the Di- uell: he wasthe murtherer from the beginning,Rert,t 2.9.Gen.3. 1 loh.844. J,1D'hatmitredinto the world thereby ? A. Death m came ouer all nsahof body men, Rom+ r a. nodfouls. Q. Why? there was but one Man finned. A. Yet by the offence ofone, the guilt carnevponallo, Rom.'anwdamr seai 5.18. and adare:;;: !nwhat a/latearewee theta tublike tufm. ofoarTelees? A, Bornein iniquity,. , and ;íbOitooa the childrenof wrath, Sph.2.3, ntm , and,pr ee F Q e . t, s pronetoany fin wbaroena. Aedwhaisbelongingtovtl A. Except werepent r, wee eTkat rs,turne fhail all perifh, Luke 13.;. from,,' oorea. ncocod,and Q Canweby nomranesreme. became now sly this? creatures, a cm: A. No: forwhat can aman t'"' giue for recompence of his foule? 11at.x6.x6. What îee then throne(' name 1giuenonder Hearten, whereby ,Maur, or wemrt*lbefasted? meaner. A. Iefus Chrift, AElt4.1z. 1Ybat o, Iefus Chrifi? A. Aholy thing r, borne o£arirt a woman, and called theSon of e,Ath s . «abw hhe God, Lnke t.3s man: yetwasO- R,What bathbedone orvs1 ye`Gadoue< f alt bl (fed fóra A. Heehath giuenhimfelfe ,To b;real 'Ter vs,Epbe.S. x. ae, forour fins, Q Wherefore bath Godfeat which fbewmh him to doe this orvs? andthasf°nc. f ttherrum A. That wefhouldnotperilh, <To, but haue lifeeuerlafiing.lo. ;.r6. (j_,HowBoth beebring this to L? PPP Paffe